Saturday, August 30, 2008

Western Belize Happenings ( the Jaguar photo )

The Jaguar photo is of a jaguar that can jump over an eight foot fence and eat your chickens on a jungle farm. I know from experience. This particular jaguar is in the tiny Belize Zoo, made up of animals that have been orphaned or injured and nursed back to health. Usually when I pick up people at the International Airport from an incoming flight, coming out to the Western Belize Recreational Area and staying at Falconview Adventure Hostel on the slope of Green Parrot Valley, a suburb of Santa Elena Town; I always stop on the way home out West at the Belize Zoo which is on the way and worth the lost travel time, to see native Belizean animals. This Small BELIZE ZOO has been featured in many magazines and television documentaries. Well worth a visit.

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