Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Antonio here is our mason. We have an arrangement. He works when he wants during the week, but we limit him to three days, day pay. Some weeks he doesn't show up, other weeks he gives us one or two days and the 8 hour workday turns out to be more like 6 1/2 hours. But he is honest and does decent work. The arrangment is mutually beneficial and we have been building our small hotel for years now ( about 7 years ) this way, as the budget can afford it per month. Antonio is one of the handsome batchelors of HILLVIEW in the Cayo District where we are located. He walks home for lunch and has a bit of corn planted on two acres of land for his mother. Don't know what else he does? I kinda think he is a friend also. He is a whiz on computers, go figure that?

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