Monday, November 24, 2008


ERWIN CONTRERAS Cabinet Minister for Economic Development and Commerce and Industry in Belize.

The main Cabinet Minister responsible for organizing research and ACTION and informing us public of how to take advantage of ALBA TRADE with Venezuela, which the Venezuelan Embassy is promoting in Belize. We have heard NOTHING! ZILCH! NADA over the last few months! We the public in Western Belize would like to know if this is something that is possible, or not possible under the terms of ALBA trade organization.
The impression is the UDP Cabinet do not want trade with Venezuela, whereas PRODUCERS in Western Belize and the Heartland of Belize do want a ready market, anywhere. The Cabinet should be informing us through press conferences of the possibilities, or no possibilities of trade with Venezuela. Why are they not? Do they know something we do not? What could it be?

Other Cabinet Ministers of the UDP government concerned with this are; Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Trade, Gabriel Martinez of Rural Development and Rene Montero the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and also our Cayo Central area representative on the Cabinet. When will these Ministers concern themselves with informing us in the Heartland of Belize, the investigation and results of trade with the ALBA trade organization of Venezuela?

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