Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Belize as part of the Central American Association deal with the EU?

Guatemala Association of Central American countries make deals with the European Union.

It is not clear from the news across our border in Guatemala twelve miles away, if Belize as a Central American country is part of this Association of Central American countries, that the EU are trying to line up for markets and suppliers of basic commodities. Since we are also dealing with the EU through CARICOM, with which we parctically have no decent economic activity, or interests, it is surprising there has been no news in the local Belize media about this meeting and the deals being sought by the EU. The question is: are this Central American deal any different than the recent one signed by CARICOM countries? What is in it?
If there is leadership of any kind in Belize, should we not be plugging for and creating a joint voice for ALL CARIBBEAN countries, including Caricom islands and mainland countries and those of Central and South and North America bordering the Caribbean Sea. Something is wrong here? I smell a rat. I smell a disadvantage to Belize. Our politicians in Belize are asleep at the wheel, either that or our media are not on the job?

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