Monday, April 20, 2009


SO YOU WANT TO EXPORT TO VENEZUELA FROM BELIZE? ( from the Belize Development Trust )

Some highlights of the requirements.

a) Payment is best done by IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FOB Belizeans
b) Best to have a local agent or partner to deal with the myriad time consuming bureaucratic red tape requirments. There are control prices on almost all food.
c) Some of the imports Venezuela requires are; beans, carrots, mushrooms, sweet corn, seafood, dairy products, candies, jam preserves, honey, spices.
d) Local growers/producers cannot compete with imports, because of subsidized imports.
e) There are many food importers found on the internet for Venezuela. There is even a STATE STORE RETAIL FOOD CHAIN. Called MERCAL.
f) Canada finds Venezuela as their BIGGEST market in Latin America. Mostly wheat, and potatoes.
g) Recently Venezuela had a 14% devaluation of the currency. Inflation is about 28 %.
h) Get paid in foreign currency in your country, NEVER in BOLIVARS.
i)_ The USA supplies about 1/3 rd of the Venezuelan food imports. The EU and Canada are the other big exporters to Venezuela.

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