Friday, April 3, 2009

HILLVIEW community now has FOUR resident artists in Belize.

Mrs. Silvia Auxillou famous Scarlet Macaw. Her second self taught weaving project this was. She is now making some table cloths for the HOSTEL kitchen.
Lord Waters, King of Caracol in 555 AD attack on Kingdom of Tikal from Belize. Done by pencil sketch artist Ray Auxillou.

Terance with his hand carving plaques. He takes orders.
Mrs. Silvia Auxillou doing triangular hand loom, table cloths. She made a great Scarlet Macaw as well.


We now have FOUR artists. Mrs. Silvia Auxillou does weaving from hand looms. Terrance does wood carving of Mayan plaques to order. Ray Auxillou does pencil sketchs of action stories of Belize history. German Figueroa does acrylic painting and has become a fine commercial artist. Since he turned commercial I haven't been able to get a photo of his paintings. The galleries on San Pedro, Tourism Village on the coast for cruise ships and Cesaers Place tourist stop are at his doorstep picking up the latest finished painting before it even dries properly overnight. I'll get a photo to put on here soon though. PROMISE!

My recent pencil sketch is of Lord Waters, King of Caracol in Belize. Still the biggest building in the country of Belize, that old temple complex. Anyway, back in 555 A.D. Lord Waters attacked the Kingdom of TIKAL and didn't succeed. This is my historical drawing of that event. Will do another one later, on when seven years later he attacked TIKAL again, but conquered that Mayan central kingdom that time.

The pencil sketchs original can be bought for $700 usa. but photo copy prints are available at $19.95, plus $6 posting and handling. Payment by International Postal Money Order. 2000 numbered prints can be signed and sold. Then they go into history for appreciation as investment art of Belize, over the years.

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