Saturday, October 31, 2009

Belize UDP government gets 6 point boost in Managment Report Card

*** Prime Minister Dean Barrow of Belize

PRIME MINISTER DEAN BARROW PRESS CONFERENCE - Boosts Government Approval Rating to 67%

PM Dean Barrow and his Cabinet colleagues had a long awaited Press Conference on the state of the economy. I caught it early this Saturday morning on Cable TV by accident around 5. a.m. While things are reasonably difficult, it is not as bad as we imagined it would be, due to a lot of loans coming in to government and GRANTS for infra-structure projects. Certainly Revenues are waaaay down.
Still the UDP and the lengthy explanations show that this group of amateurs are maturing fast and we were impressed with their take on the situations and handling of the government in general terms. It was impressive to listen too the reporters questions and answers.
PM Barrow himself earns 5 points for his PARTY government running report card and Minister of Education earns 1 point for his answers and explanations.


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