Monday, March 29, 2010

Horses of BELIZE

March is coming to an end. April and May are our true SUMMER here, the DRY SEASON. All the racing season is in vogue, from cross country canoe races, to bicycle races, foot races, sailboat races, horse races and the Easter holidays are looked forward to. Two or three weeks in rural areas for small town populations, on farms of relatives and barrier reef holiday islands swimming.
Today Sunday, the wife and I took our two dogs down to the Macal River in town. The place was crowded with families. A couple of hundred people and children picnicking on the river bank grass under the shade trees. Children everywhere walking and splashing around in the shallow water of the gravel banks. We washed our dogs and enjoyed the old swimming hole atmosphere of country life. Temperatures day and night are in the middle 80's F. Perfect weather for a holiday.

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