Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Auxillou family geneology details. - Original French village a 1000 years ago until around 1914.

** The small summer holiday village has one Bed and Breakfast, Clos Cavaillies, with 4 bedrooms. Delightful place to stay in the center. Run by Mm Marie Therese Chincholle. Website: Rates were about $95 usd a night in 2011.
Local vineyards around Castlenau d´Aude village, population 450.
Area vineyards, Languedoc.

Castlenau d´ Aude village in Southern French, Pyrenees. Wine making countryside. There is a Mayors office, population is about 450. A rugby field, a petanque pitch, one shop, and a small post office. There is also a 4 unit two story Bed and Breakfast called Le Clos Cavailles.

*** Wine making country of Castlenau d´Aude, in Southern France.
*** Castlenau d´Aude, home village in the Southern French Pyrenees, for a 1000 years of Auxillou generations.
**Castlenau dÁude in summer, with Black Mountain behind. (population 450 )

photos of the village of Castelnau d´aude in France

Current famous wine maker family from the village of Castlenau-Aude, AUDE, FRANCE. ( these are not Auxillou, this is the family of Roland and Anne Marie Coustal in the mountain village. )

The village is near the town of Carcassonne in the shadow of the Black Mountain and surrounded by vineyards. A rural paradise, the village remains undiscovered by many from outside the region. The village lies North of the highway A 61 running between Carcassonne and Norbonne. It is South of highway D610,and the junction with D11 Pyrenees road. Nearby villages are Roquecourbe-Minervois and Escales.
The production of wine has gone on in this area of France for centuries, and the village is surrounded by a fantastic vista of grape vines which positively glow in the extraordinary golden light for which this region is famed.
**local grapes from which famous wines in France are made from Castlenau d´Aude

Castelnaud'Aude village is gifted with a fine winemaking family, Roland and Anne-Marie Coustal, who make wine under the name Terres Georges. The moderate scale of production allows the entire process to be undertaken by hand. Many of the wines from this cave have won awards at the major European French wine festivals. The cave is open to the public for tasting sessions with the winemakers on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Castlenau d´Aude is a beautiful small rural village serving a wine making area of farms. Population is about 450 people, has one Bed and Breakfast, ( a Mayors office, a small post office, shop, rugby field, petanque pitch, tennis courts, and a small church. Surrounded by grapes for the wine making industry of the area.
Castlenau d´Aude in winter covered with light snow.

** This is CLOS Cavaillies, a 4 bedroom, Bed and Breakfast in the center of small 450 pop. village, Castlenau d´Aude. Run by Mm Maite Chincholle a very nice and helpful lady. Rate in 2011 was $95 usd. per night. She has internet. Her website is:

In summer, France and all Europe are covered with canals. The canal running near Carcassone and Castlenau d´Aude is La Canal de Midi. Rental barge type houseboats, sleeping 7 to 12 people, are available in the area for cruising along the canal. A good way to spend a summer vacation.
** Rented Tourist House barges, travelling on La Midi canal near Carcassone and Castlenau d´Aude.



For my grandchildren and great grandchildren. To know who you are and where you came from through the last 300 to medieval 1000 years ago. Actually a less accurate record goes back to medieval times a 1000 years ago. The day will come when you will do your own search for your family history. Don´t lose this collection here.
In 1060 there was a village called AUXILLOU. The name through the centuries got changed to Aussillon and exists still today in the mid Pyrenees.

Your cousins, aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces. I´m missing a lot of e- mail details and birth days of Wendy´s children, Diane´s Children, Tina´s children. Would appreciate same. These are the living members of the family tree. I would like to update the "Auxillou Charitable Educational Trust" records.

Kathleen Millar ( Auxillou ) , Tamara Auxillou, Isabella Auxillou, Diane Auxillou, Tina Auxillou, Sharon Auxillou ( Urscheler ) Wendy Auxillou, Mark Auxillou, Tyler ( Auxillou) Loeper, Giselle de la Fuente( Auxillou ), Zoe de la Fuente ( Auxillou ), Bianca de la Fuente ( Auxillou) Christopher Blayd( Auxillou ) Vernon, Justin Kuylen ( Auxillou ), Cody Kuylen ( Auxillou ), great grandchild Gemma Natalie Caisee-Auxillou,

There are a lot more Auxillou´s, but the record is being done down the male descendants line, where the Auxillou surname is retained. Girls who were born with the surname Auxillou, thus get dropped from the inheritence list when they marry and according to modern custom in the West, change their surname to their husbands surname. Their children then, while listed as cousins and extended family are no longer considered Auxillou, but attach themselves to THEIR father´s surname. Whatever it is? Some of the girls in recent years, have adopted the custom of retaining their AUXILLOU surname, instead of changing all their paperwork records, as in this modern age, people tend to go through more than one marriage. These then, and their children who keep the surname AUXILLOU, continue the geneological line. The trouble with girls changing their bureaucratic paper records to a husband´s surname, not only gives complications in modern life, but the SURNAME gets lost, as more girls are born than boys. The surname thus tends to disappear as a geneological line.

Autobiography web page of Auxillou´s.
(Wendy maybe you could make a web page of this to save the historical photographs? One day this TRIPOD website will wipe them out and I have no other copies.)

GENEOLOGY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE AUXILLOU FAMILY ( going back 300 - 1000 years in medieval times ) The Visigoths swept through here around 400 A.D. after conquering Rome. They conquered the tribes of what is now Spain and the monarchy is descended from them.

Interesting stuff. Found out on my Grandfather´s side, a Frenchman, ( Louis Auxillou )a bank clerk, who married my Irish grandmother ( Mary Ellen O´Brien from Ireland -midwife student) in London,England,before World War 1, and where my grandfather died in the Battle of the Somme, World War 1. His name is on a monument in Carcassonne, France )
Louis Auxillou from Carcassone, died about 1914 in WW1. Grandmother Mary Ellen Auxillou, Irish. My father Raymond Auxillou is the young boy in the photo. Died in Canada at 83 yrs.
Anyway, tracing roots back through the French side of the family of AUXILLOU, it turns out our home village is a village of 444 population, ( Castlenau, Aude Commune in South Western France ) near the town of Carcassone, in the South of France. This they say today is a picturesque village in wine making country. There were still a lot of Auxillou´s in the village and area around 1810 after the Napoleanic wars. I have a small acquaintance with the area, having explored around Montpelier and over to Nice, some 20 years ago.

From the birth and deaths of church records, here is the following new information I have gleaned of my ancestors. All of these are in the South West Pyrennees mountains. Most Auxillou´s originated from Castlenau dÁude, a village of 450 pop., near Carcassone the town.

Francois Auxillou 1495
Jeane Antoinette Auxillou 1689 ( Carcassonne )
Jacques Auxillou, married in LAURA 1695
Rose Auxillou born to the Father Pierre Auxillou and mother Marie, Sept. 11, 1700
Auxillou marries daughter of Jospeh Berger and Anne 1755 ( child arranged marriages back in the 1700´s by parents )
Auxillou marries daughter of John and Jane Burges 1763
Auxillou sone of William and Mary Shepher Touret 1766
Margarite Auxillou born 14 April, 1777
Marie Pascale Auxillou, born 19 April 1778
Marie Rose Auxillou, 18 March 1783
Marie Auxillou, born 27 Nov. 1787
Elizabet Auxillou, born 10 December, 1804
Marie Elizabeth Auxillou, 3, December 1808
Jeanne Elizabeth Auxillou, 31 August, 1810
Marie Rose Auxillou, 31 August 1810
Boissezon Auxillou,1829
Most of this must have been the time of the FRENCH REVOLUTION and NAPOLEONIC WARS.
Pierre Auxillou 1896
Louis Auxillou 1914, died at Battle of Somme, name on WW1 monument in town of Carcassone, Southern France.
AUXILLOU´s started to spread out around the world from here on.
**Caye Caulker became the NEW home ancestral village of the Auxillou family, 50 years ago, about 1960.

** some Auxillou family condos on the beach of Caye Caulker, built and owned by my four daughters. They have other units elsewhere.

Raymond Auxillou Sr. died in Canada at age 83 yrs. Born in London, UK. Son of Louis Auxillou a Frenchman.
Raymond Auxillou Jr., born in London, UK, 1937 - currently living at 74 yrs in Belize, Central America. Son of Raymond Auxillou Sr.
Stephen Auxillou born in Canada 1957, died in 1989 Vancouver, Canada. Son of Ray Auxillou Jr.
Mark Auxillou born in Canada, Son of Ray Auxillou Jr. 1959
Sharon Auxillou born in the village of Caye Caulker, Belize, Central America. Daughter of Ray Auxillou Jr. 1964
Wendy Auxillou born in Caye Caulker, Belize. Daughter of Ray Auxillou Jr. 1965
Diane Auxillou born in Caye Caulker, Belize. Daughter of Ray Auxillou Jr. 1966
Tina Auxillou born in Caye Caulker, Belize. Daughter of Ray Auxillou Jr. 1968
Isabella Auxillou, London, Ontario, Canada, Daughter of Steve Auxillou. 1975
Tamara Auxillou, daughter of Mark Auxillou 1989
Kathleen Auxillou, daughter of Mark Auxillou

Castelnau - D'Aude, Aude, France seems to have been the main concentration of AUXILLOU´s in the Pyrenees mountains and Carcassonne the main town. Also in the town of Carcassone there have been Auxillou´s for centuries. The castle at Carcassone is a big tourist attraction and one of the best preserved castles in all of France.

Of course nowadays, the home village of Auxillou´s is CAYE CAULKER on the great Barrier Reef, Belize, Central America. Though we have Auxillou´s also in Canada, USA, Australia. I do believe there are Auxillou's also around Guadalajara, Mexico, descendants of one ancestor, great great grandfather, who was a French Legionaire, when Emperor Maxmillian lived in Guadalajara, Mexico.

The actual name AUXILLOU in the 1700´s had several variations from medieval times. Auxilhou, Aussillou, Aussilhoux, Auxisillou are some of the variations in the locality of Castle nau, in the Commune of AUDE, in France. In actuality, by the late 1700´s and the French revolution, the largest family in Castlenau village was spelling their name AUXILLOU. The first records of this surname occur around 1060 during medieval times,with a village actually named AUXILLOU, but got corrupted to AUSSILLON as the centuries passed. It is still there. The Auxillou´s were spread out over TARN ( 1790 ), Castres and Mzamet as well as AUDE in those mountains. There is a rough history of a 1000 years of the Auxillou´s. Many wars engulfed the region and records were lost. It more described the immediate region of the Black Mountain area in AUDE commune near Carcassone. There is a record of an AUSILLOU swearing allegience to Viscount of Lautree in 1273. The AUXILLOU family, or perhaps AUSILLOU family of that immediate region into wool and sheep at the time. ( now it is wine vineyards ) was linked to the Hautpaul family. Their castle was given to Jordan of Saissac Aussillon in 1332 after Simon de Montefort, had beseiged and sacked the place in 1212,during the Albigeusian crusade. As late as 1852 the village was known as Aussillon. There is a photo of the village online, taken in 1906. Some photos also exist of a wool factory in the area in the early 1900´s and also of labourers working wool. There is a grave in the area of Black Mountain of Joseph Auxillou, 72 years of age, who was known as a shepherd. There are several marriages listed in the Black Mountain and Carcasonne area in church records of the Auxillou family members.
Going back to ROMAN times, this was VISIGOTH mountain tribes and gave the Romans a lot of fighting trouble in rugged country. The Auxillou´s had the LORDSHIP of the BARONEY of Mazamet around 1060. Their fief was Lordship of Mazamet.


I´ve found a mechanics place and towing business, off the VILLAGE or suburb of Saint Juery, nearest largest town of ALBI,( highway N88 ) family named AUXILLOU. ( tel: 05 63 45 20 66 )( fax: 05 63 45 43 84 ) The satellite blow up, shows a substantial set of buildings here in 2010. I don´t know the scale in kilometers, but would estimate 50 miles North of Carcassonne. I believe Saint Juery is in the mountain Department of Aveyron. There are a lot of rural roads ( D 902 and D 999 closest roads ) winding through those Pyrennees mountains. Saint Juery village is on a valley rural road, alongside a river. Don´t know the name of the river. The other place names close by are Cunac and Lanel and the Roue de Millan - D999-

There is also the Village of AUSSILLON in Mazamet, in the same general area

What I have for an address from the satellite links is AUXILLOU, 81160 ( this might be a zipcode? ), Saint Juery. It could be an Auxillou family, or the Auxillou Village along the river, in the department of TARN, Province of Languedoc, Canton - Mazamet. Since I´'m not familiar with the area, or the scale of these satellite maps it is hard to judge distances, sizes and references found in French.
I did phone them last week, in late November, but the lady that answered could not speak either English or Spanish, so we were unable to communicate to find out if they are relatives? They must be as the surname is very rare! ( I can´t find anybody in the family who speaks French and I have forgotten my High School French lessons.

Finally found a friend who spoke FRENCH and she phoned for me. She was told nobody there with the AUXILLOU name. The place is called Aussillhous and the map spells it wrong on the internet. The name means place of little birds. Ahhh well! Trying to find relatives in France.

Over a 1000 years of Auxillou´s and these are the next generation, living in the USA and Belize.

Thursday, December 2, 2010
BELIZE - Some of Ray Auxillou´s grandchildren on Easter holiday in the USA.
Grandkids of Ray Auxillou the patriarch,over on Thanksgiving Holiday in snowy Colorado.

Ray Auxillou - proud Grandpa, with grandkids on holiday in Colorado on Thanksgiving,2010

My grandfather, LOUIS AUXILLOU, from Carcassone, died in 1914, WW1, Battle of the Somme, his name is on a monument in the town center.

We spend the Thanksgiving weekend in Keystone, Colorado. Here is a pic of the cousins you might like. From left to right it's Marlise, Blayd, Chris (Zoe's boyfriend), Zoe, Miguel (Giselle's boyfriend), Giselle, Justin, Tyler and Stefan.


Thanks Wendy ( my wonderful daughter )

Marlise is my daughter Sharon´s youngest.
Blayd is my daughter Wendy´s youngest.
Zoe is Wendy´s daughter
Giselle is my daughter Wendy´s daughter
Justin is my daughter Diane eldest son.
Tyler is my daughter Tina´s son.
Stefan is my daughter Sharon´s eldest.

What a wonderful photo. I love to see them grow up. Giselle is in the USA National Guard and Tyler I thought was still over in China studying Mandarin. Apparently he is spending Christmas alone in the dormitory at NYC university. 2010.
Posted by Western Belize Happenings! at 7:32 AM 0 comments


  1. Hello, I enjoyed reading this history, could you please get in touch with me, I may have more info about the family. Would love to learn more as well. Thank you.

  2. Forgot email, try bikergofast at
