Sunday, May 1, 2011

BTL high speed internet censorship blocking causing trouble with public service.

BTL BLOCKING CENSORSHIP CREATES 2 to 6 second time lag drops in new high speed internet system.

Some telecommunications types on the Belize Rural listserve are saying and complaining that many of their favorite sites will not load, or stay loaded. The tracking and back engineering has been traced to blocking mechanisms put on by BTL, a sort of censorship to assist them blocking VOIP communications. A by product is the fact that many FAST sites, with 2 second or up to 6 second reload times, are being denied to the subscriber of the new BTL High Speed internet.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is old news for internet users. BTL's actions in this regard are dishonest and despicable and is one of the contributing factors to Belize's inefficient economy.
