Friday, July 15, 2011

Sugar season went okay in Belize for 2011

2011 sugar cane crop successful

The bad news is there was a 250,000 ton shortfall due to weather problems
The good news is that quality of cane delivered went up tremendously. 840,670 tons of sugar produced. Sugar cane quality was 86% and the ratio of cane 8.5 to 1 of sugar.

Good news also: "All in all, things are looking up in the North. Gough told us that BSI has been selling again in the U.S. market at high prices, which it had previously been unable to take advantage of due to low production, and in the European Union (EU) market, some direct consumption sugar (the kind we use here in Belize as opposed to the bulk raw sugar that we export) at the rate of 5,000 tons is being sold." ( quote from Amandala newspaper )

Marketing is improving, but could stand some local entrepreneurial competition to boost value added sales. Another privately owned small sugar mill is needed to go to processed Value Added marketing in competition with entrenched BSI Factory.

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