Friday, July 15, 2011

Identity theft in Western Cayo District

Good friend steals identity of Sandra Andreina in Western Cayo District.
From Channel 7 TV news.

Sandra Andreina found that her identity had been stolen when she went to the Social Security Board office in Santa Elena Town to apply for her first social security card. That's when she was told by the registry officer that she was already registered and already had a social security card! Garcia - still in disbelief - was shown the card and while it carried her name, the picture on it was of her longtime friend and former roommate, Guatemalan, Dianna Estrada - who had lived with her 2009.

Garcia concluded that Diana stole her birth certificate and secured the Belizean ID in her name. Police are investigating that case at Social Security where the same Dianna Estrada allegedly also got a Voter's ID using Andreina's name. We're still trying to get details on that case….

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