Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Some of Ray´s grandkids.

**** Some of my grandkids on Caye Caulker for summer school holidays.

From left to right. Marlice, Tyler, Isabelle, Stephan. Isabelle is a mature woman. The other three are in University. Going to Florida International University in Miami.

Looks like they are in front of my daughter Tina´s new long term real estate development project, further down the Southern part of the island. She and her partner are building a TOURIST SCUBA DIVING RESORT. They figure to be operational in three years. Perhaps by next year they will have the mortgage paid off, worth over a million dollars. Tina is also building a bar restaurant in the center of Caye Caulker on the beach and has her beachfront Backpackers Hostel leased out for ten years.

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