Tuesday, November 29, 2011

UDP Government gets 3 points on Report Card approval rating. NEW BELIZE GOVERNMENT RATING IS 5%.

To the NORTH in central Belize, our neighbor Orange Walk town, their district capital got three new classrooms. We are awarding 3 points to the UDP government report card for this. The ITVET is modeled along the USA Community College system. Not as big of course, but impacts youth tremendously in the careers for which there is enough students to make a class pay. The ITVET system needs all the financial help they can get, they do very worthwhile work. Their is an ITVET ( fledgling Community College, USA style) in each of the six district capitals ( six of them around the small nation ).

Armando Gomez, Manager, OW ITVET

“We had an inauguration this morning whereby we inaugurated a triple classroom space, this is a project that we ventured in since the beginning of the school year in January and we worked at it through fund raising and also part of the construction was assisted by the government, the ministry of education, that classroom space we are already using it because like I said we really needed it, it is a state of the art classroom space whereby we have air-conditioned in it and fans so that the students could be learning in comfort, so that building was a big accomplishment for this new year and hence the reason why we had to do an inauguration for it.”

Hipolito Novelo-Reporter

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