Tuesday, December 6, 2011

GIVING GRANT MONEY TO BELTRAIDE? WOW! Why not give it to me, I could do better? ( grin! )


Home » Economy, Miscellaneous, People & Places, Regional / International » IDB bequeaths $650,000 to BELTRAIDE
Dec 5, 2011
IDB bequeaths $650,000 to BELTRAIDE

BELTRAIDE, the investment promotion arm of the government, signed up today with the International Development Bank for a major grant as part of the Compete Caribbean Program. The forty million US dollar private sector development program is jointly funded by the IDB, the United Kingdom Department of International Development (DFID) and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Six hundred and fifty thousand Belize dollars is being provided to increase the effectiveness BELTRAIDE in investment promotion. The letter of Agreement with BELTRAIDE and the IDB was signed earlier today at the Radisson.

Anneke Jessen, Representative, IDB

Anneke Jessen

“We’re delighted today to sign a technical cooperation project financed by Compete Caribbean which is a joint project of the U.K. Department of International Development (DFID), CIDA (the Canadian International Development Agency) and the IDB to support Beltraide in its investment promotion efforts. This is a grant fund of three hundred and twenty-five thousand U.S. dollars and my colleague, Michael Singh will speak a little bit more about the actual project. But I just want to project tell you that we are delighted to sign this project in Belize today. It is the first financed by the Compete Caribbean Program and the program is close to my heart because I participated in the development of that program with our colleagues from Canada and DFID in Barbados. It was launched earlier this year officially in Jamaica. It’s a thirty million dollar program to support private sector development throughout the Caribbean region and so today we are signing the first project for Belize.”

Mike Singh

Mike Singh, Executive Chairman, Beltraide

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