Monday, December 12, 2011

John Carr, rancher of Western Belize.

Believe he is head of the cattle association here in Belize?
John Carr of Western Belize and Banana Bank around 70 years old.
** John Carr as a famous 19 year old, Montana Cowboy in 1959, on the rodeo bronco busting circuit through the Wild West. He roped and competed in bronco busting, barrel racing and other stuff a young Montana cowboy could do. All along the Western states and into Canada. Nowadays he is a famous local rancher, farmer and speculator here in Belize where he has been living for some decades.

Locally famous JOHN CARR, who made his life in Belize and became richer.

Let me tell you a tale of being a Montana Cowboy. In the late 1950´s. I was working up at the Calgary Summer stampede at the time and some friends and I got talked into making a trip across the USA border into Montana for a rodeo. Now I was green as could be, as a cowboy. Coming from the East in Ontario. The most I remember after being steeped on ZANE GREY literature about the romantic life of a cowboy, was that on a trail drive, the last big one in the Province of Alberta, of about 200 miles, was riding drag. Not a job you would recommend to your best friend. What I remember was being COLD as heck. While the other more experienced cowboys would sleep in for an extra 45 minutes, I had to get up early, while it was still pitch dark, and round up the horses and bring them into camp for the day´s work. The grass was cold, with white frost all over it. Also waist high, so your jeans and shirt and boots got soaking wet in the freezing weather. Plus you had to eat last, the remnants of whatever grub and coffee was left over after everybody else had eaten at the chuck wagon and gone to saddle up their horses. With the foreman hollering at me to hurry up. ROMANTIC the cowboy life on the trail drive was not! DEFINITELY NOT like the books and stories of westerns I had read.
Montana was like nothing else I have experienced. We stopped the car at a restaurant in the middle of no where in Montana, to eat breakfast. We had driven most of the night. Pancakes were the order of the day. I ordered my pancakes and when the plate came, I was flabbergasted. I have no idea of how many pancakes were in there, but they were stacked about 14 inches high. With maple syrup I managed to wolf them down. Price $1.50 at the time for breakfast, pancakes with coffee.
Another Montana experience, was the travelling BURLESQUE SHOW. I was hustled as the GREEN HORN to the BURLESQUE SHOW. A naive young teenager, from the EAST, who was raised by CHURCH PEOPLE ( Methodist ) where all girls were placed on pedestals to worship. Still a virgin of course. Well that BURLESQUE was like nothing else I have experienced since. The ladies strutted the runway to bump and grind and nowadays in historical memoirs I can appreciate how FAMOUS SOME OF THOSE LADIES WERE. I believe they actually have a BURLESQUE MUSEUM for those ladies today. There is also a famous BURLESQUE HALL OF FAME, for the ladies who were lifetime classics at it. But not back then. There was one famous lady, had a painted backdrop outside the tent and wooden benches for us young rowdy cowboys, that she stripped completely, to my amazement. I always wondered what females looked like between the legs. There was nothing there but a bush of hair. I never did quite figure it out. Anyway, there must have been 75 cowboys in the BURLESQUE TENT, sitting on wood benches. This lady bumped and grind to catcalls, whistles and yahooing, me with them. Stripped herself to music and then asked for a volunteer. Boy was I afraid! The older guys around me, fortunately picked on some young teenaged kid up front. I was about three quarters back in the seating. Us cowboys were all wearing the customary ten gallon stetson of course. Anyway the guys yelling and cheering picked up some unlucky teenager and tossed him struggling and protesting onto the stage. The lady did some unmentionable things to him, embarrassing him no end. Then she took his ten gallon stetson off his head and proceeded to fold it and stuff it inside her vagina until it disappeared. I was dumbfounded and amazed. She then bumped and grind some more to the music, let the boy go down to the seats. Actually he crawled like a spider back to his seat. Then she dramatically withdrew the stetson and threw it to the audience. The guys grabbed him again and placed the stetson squarely on his head. I heard afterward he wore that thing proudly for the rest of the week at the rodeo.
Yup! The life of a Montana cowboy in the 1950s is definitely different than life back EAST.

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