Monday, December 19, 2011



The Salvation Army is my favorite charity. Unfortunately, they only seem to exist in the port town of Belize City. We have no branch in SANTA ELENA TOWN. Now I would willingly support a SANTA ELENA TOWN branch of the SALVATION ARMY charity. I WILL NOT contribute to the branch of another town, like that down in the PORT TOWN on the coast a hundred miles EAST of here.
I do encourage the citizens living in the port of Belize City to support their local Salvation Army branch though.
About 20 years ago, the Boy Scouts of Belize were challenged to make their major city branches a truly NATIONAL BOY SCOUT association, with troops of cub scouts in the 300 or so villages. The Belize National Boy Scouts accepted the challenge and have been working at it ever since.
Unlike, the BOY SCOUTS, the SALVATION ARMY has FAILED miserably in extending their charity and services, to the districts and communities of Belize. They are still just a small enclave of CREOLES down in the port town on the East Coast of Belize. They have failed to attract mestizos, Spanish and Chinese adherents to make their charitable works for poor people, truly national in Belize.

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