Monday, March 26, 2012

First Quarter Belize Economic data for 2012


Debt to GDP ratio 81.4% ( among highest in Latin America )
External debt alone, Debt to GDP ratio 67.3%
Population GDP per capita $4,800 usd in 2012 ( $9,600 bz local currency )
Bank provisioning for non performing loans 15.5% ( not enough )
Fiscal reserves stable at about $200 million usd.
Budget balancing has worsened over last four years and more than doubled under the UDP.
Public Debt has declined a bit from 80.2% to 77.7%
External debt has declined in last 4 years from 73.1% to 67.3% of GDP

Export markets: USA takes 30% and the U.K. takes 20% of production
Credit Quality of local banks POOR. Though they are awash with too much local currency. Interest rates are declining steadily and as part of savings, Bank CD´rates are become more irrelevant every day. Those of the population once getting 3/5 th´s of their income from Bank C.D. interest, are now being squeezed, as their savings no longer produces enough to maintain former living standards for local retirees and pension holders.

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