Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Prime Minister Dean Barrow publicly declares that he will now seek the Road of Conciliation and Cooperation with Lord Michael Ashcroft, whom he had formerly referred to as the "public enemy no. 1" and "new age Colonial Master" and "Persona Non Grata in Belize." .... most interesting!!! Enquiries minds would like to know what is behind this turn-around in policies, views and perceptions..." "Prime Minister Dean Barrow reportedly gave the keynote address at the Belize Bank's 25th anniversary celebration at the Radisson Fort George Colonial Gardens last Saturday night. Our report is that it was very conciliatory and in it he called for an improved relationship between the bank and his administration." "While no other UDP minister or high ranking party member was there, Lord Michael Ashcroft was in attendance." Source: The Independent http://www.flashpointbelize.com/flashpointarticles/tabid/103/EntryId/141/Ashcroft-Barrow-Detente.aspx FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL THE CYNICS SAY. WITH FIVE YEARS TO GO AND THEN PUP INTO OFFICE, BARROW NEEDS ASHCROFTS LEGAL BUSINESS IF HE CAN GET IT? GOT TO BUILD UP HIS RETIREMENT FUND YOU KNOW? ( grin ) What do you think?

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