Saturday, May 5, 2012

McFee ordeal in Belize goes internet wide.

McFee´s brutal victimization goes internet wide. From the Minyanville, THE DAILY FEED -----When antivirus software inventor John McAfee relocated his life and business interests to Central America in 2007, he ended up getting more than the tropical paradise of a tax shelter he’d bargained for. With McAfee Associates behind him -- which was eventually acquired by Intel Corporation (INTC) -- McAfee switched gears from curing computer diseases to those that infect people. He set out to find herbal solutions to drug-resistant bacteria, deep in the rainforests of Belize. But McAfee’s venture developing natural antibiotics came to an abrupt and frightening halt this week when the government came pounding down his door. In the early morning hours of May 1, a law enforcement arm of the Belize police force, called the Gang Suppression Unit (GSU), raided McAfee’s research facility in the northwest district Orange Walk. The GSU allegedly ransacked the property looking for drugs and firearms, shot and killed McAfee’s dog, handcuffed him and his 12 employees, confiscated his passport, and put him under arrest for possessing illegal weapons. McAfee is crying corruption. The raid and arrest, he says, are bogus and merely the consequences of his refusal to line the coffer of a United Democratic Party (UDP) politician -- the “local political boss,” as McAfee describes him. While the GSU found a cache of weapons during the search of his property -- including 12-gauge shotguns, handguns, and rifles with scopes -- McAfee had permits for all but one of them, which he claims a GSU soldier not-so-accidentally misplaced. ( Frame up - extortion using the government institutions ) “Fortunately we had copies,” McAfee said. “Even then it was difficult to get out. I had to get the intervention of the American embassy to get released. By the time I got to Belize, it was sixteen hours. I slept until 2 a.m. on a concrete floor at the Queen’s Street Police Station until the embassy finally convinced someone to release me.” The GSU has a reputation for abusing power in Belize, conducting illegal raids and indiscriminately using violent force against innocent civilians. “This is clearly a military dictatorship where people are allowed to go and harass citizens based on rumor alone and treat them as if they are guilty before any evidence whatsoever is obtained,” said McAfee. Ultimately, McAfee was not charged with any crime. Read more: _________________________________________________ Technically, Belize is a democracy. Once every five years, the people elect a one party dictatorship, on the AFRICAN STYLE of the British Commonwealth Parliamentary system. Essentially still; a COLONIAL RAPE, and PIRATICAL SPOILS SYSTEM OF PLUNDER. Composed of PIGS feeding at the tax trough, as opportunists run for office and enjoy mafia gang protection from their dictatorship role of all things government. In this case, McFee is charging that he was EXTORTED for money, and in vengeance for not paying, by a political politician and his supporters, whose party is in power right now and they used the trappings of the police force, INFAMOUS AFRICAN STYLE police in a ONE PARTY RULED STATE,
to intimidate foreign rich immigrants, in order to seperate them from their money. Notwithstanding McFee already donated millions to the police and other worthy causes more to his inclination. Belizeans on the social media internet forums are alive with this latest in a long list of crimes by our system of government and many claim, they are so AFRAID, they do not want to return home. Some indeed are retiring in Panama, a more expensive place, but more civilized they say. ________________________________________________________ Herbal medicine business closed says worker for over a year. They do produce coffee though for local consumption. Usual police bogus charges they say over trainee security guards. We are following the law. The police are making things up. Laboratory Closed Say's McAfee's Worker Screen_shot_2012-05-03_at_7.56.07_PMLast night you heard the story of 66 year old John McAfee whose residence by the Toll Bridge was ransacked in what he calls an unjustifiable raid by the GSU. While McAfee is claiming that the GSU used unnecessary force and their actions were unprofessional, the GSU sent out a press release yesterday evening justifying their actions and the level of force used. Today, the Head of Security at McAfee’s residence says otherwise. According to Emerson Michael, the GSU used excessive force on the security guards and watch dogs. Emerson Michael, Head of Security “First of all it was not a nice experience because the GSU were the one who woke us up from our bed with all noise and all the commotion which was really uncalled for. They started by cutting the fence- cutting the wire on the fence and the gate was right there. My security had opened the gate. They cut the wire and stormed in and break down all the doors which really was not professional. It wasn’t justified at all. The breaking down of the doors was not necessary. It was uncalled for.” In the press release issued out by the Gang Suppression Unit, they state and we quote, “Investigations regarding the employment of the security guards revealed that only two out of the four guards are licensed to act as Security Guards.” End quote. But according to Michael, one of the individuals in question is presently training to be a security guard and the other individual is a maintenance worker. Emerson Michael, Head of Security “That’s what they are claiming but one of the officers is not a security guard. He is on training. On training to be a security you can’t possess a security licence. You are on training you are not a security guard. We don’t hire security guard just to hire security guard. We train them. We want professional so we train them. So this fellow is on training. The other guy is maintenance- or he does maintenance around the yard. Even though you do maintenance around the yard everybody that works there have a uniform and equipment. IE taser, baton, handcuff but they are not security guards. One is maintenance officer and one is on training. Training to be a security guard so there is no way we could get licence for him. He is not a security guard as yet.” And so the question arises - Why does McAfee need so many security guards? Well according to general manager of the McAfee estate Noel Codd, the answer is a simple, because he can. Noel Codd, General Manager “Well this person is a famous person, a multi millionaire. He has the finance. He can afford it. At the same time he gives people jobs you know. We are not using the government, the police force for protection like some individuals like a couple of months ago when they had the incident with Mr. Urbina. After that they had our tax payer’s money working for them when they had the police officer guarding him and for election he had a special branch for him all the while. Mr. McAfee doesn’t need that. He can afford his own and that’s why he does it.” During the search on Monday, the GSU claim to have discovered a laboratory which they are alleging is being used to manufacture antibiotics without a licence from the Ministry of Health. But according to Codd, that laboratory has been closed for over a year now and is presently being used to manufacture coffee. Noel Codd, General Manager “That’s a lab that has been closed for over a year now. We had a researcher who came with a proposal for a business and Mr. McAfee as a business man always you know finance and stuff. This medicine that they are talking about is a natural- is from natural plants around in the area especially the Bullet Tree. They extract it and use the chemical from that and they make this anti biotic used for cuts, scrapes, fly bites and stuff like that. But it was closed and that’s the reason part of it is used for the coffee factory.” Hipolito Novelo, Reporter “What coffer factory? Noel Codd, General Manager “The coffee factory that we have. We produce coffee, manufacture coffee and send them out to San Pedro where we have the restaurant and stuff.” John McAfee, Philanthropist “I have over 80 employees in this country that we are playing social security for and my various establishments. They are all Belizeans. I have not hired a single American because I think to invest in a country you must invest in the people. I have donated in the past year along over a million dollars to various police departments. Not in money but in terms of equipments. Every officer in Orange Walk has new boots. Why? Because I purchase it for them. I was stopped at a check point about ten months ago and I saw an officer with tape around his boots, standing all day long. I bought them all new boots. I bought them stunned guns, pepper sprays, utility belts, camel backs. They are water packs for their backs. I built a police station for them in Carmelita which has not been accepted because the UDP believe that they would get a black eye by accepting that donation from me. It a beautiful police station: two jail cells, fully furnished with a vehicle that I donated. And they so far have not accepted it, which is fine with me. I’ll turn it into the housing for the poor. But it’s a ridiculous system that’s here, totally ridiculous.” McAfee reiterated to us today that if the matter should go any further then it would be through the courts.


  1. Shaking down and/or killing foreign new residents of Belize is becoming a more frequently heard story. This account is more frightening because of McAfee's capability and (limited) prosperity. It is really weird... and needs explanation. Listen-up Bill Gates!

  2. Now a day’s Security is a main concern for construction site, shopping centre, ware house, retail shops and other location. That’s why hire security guards is the best choice.
