Thursday, August 9, 2012


Benque Viejo Mayan village in 1912.  This village has been occupied for about 14,000 years that we know about.  More modern and larger now on the Western border of Belize with Guatemala.  Reminds me a lot of Chetumal on the Mexican side in 1959, when I walked across the Yucatan Peninsular from Excarcega, the rail station Mayan village to the North, to Chetumal in the South, with the survey team of Mexicans planned the road across the Yucatan peninsular.  When I entered Chetumal, it was a very small Mayan town of 5000 people and except for the municipal building made of concrete down by the Chetumal Bay waterfront ALL the houses looked like this, about a 1000 of them.  The hike was a couple hundred miles.  Very pristine, with no villages and lots of wild turkeys, jaguar and other game in the bush.

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