Thursday, November 8, 2012


NEW OIL WELL DRILLING COMPANY PENNY STOCK, STUCK AT .17 CENTS RIGHT NOW.  MARKET CAP OF $40 MILLION. More than one way, to make money off drilling for oil.  You don't actually have to find oil to do so. 

  Ok, Innovate, I am not so sure about the oil billions at Blue Creek. So I am not sure it can have any real affect on the Superbond situation.
    I just did some checking and New World Oil & Gas still sits as a penny stock at the low end of it's 52 week trading range at .17 cents a share. With a market cap of $40 million. Right now the market does not think that there is billions worth of oil at Blue Creek.
    I also hear from a usually reliable source that the oil production at Spanish Lookout is dropping like a stone. Maybe it's like half of it's peak right now.
    So I hope they find some oil soon. They (GOB) need the money.

    According to the New World chief in one of their paid news releases:

    "New World CEO William Kelleher said, "Having reduced the geologic risk of our Belizean prospects by 60 percent through a successful multi stage seismic program and now commenced drilling, we will be in a position to judge whether we have made an oil discovery by mid November 2012."

     Ok. well mid-November is in one week.
     Let's hope it's a gusher....

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