Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Art Colony of Western Belize taking shape with three contributors from the village.


Conceived by Ray and Silvia Auxillou as a hill community art colony some eight years ago, the fledgling art colony is starting to take off in a very small way. Hillview, on the slope of Green Parrot Valley, a suburb of Santa Elena Town in Western Belize and is steadily growing and becoming a more stable community.
It had been Ray and Silvia's dream when living in Florida, to make the 100 houses on the slope of Green Parrot Valley in Western Belize, an artist and tourist colony. FALCONVIEW BACKPACKERS ADVENTURE HOSTEL is in it's third year for visitor accomodations, but more importantly, three local village persons are now getting real good at doing artistic things. Terrance is into wood carving Mayan plaques and good at it too. He is only eighteen years old. German Figueroa over at the village store has now changed to Commercial art for the last six months and is producing and selling one or two paintings a week, to a coastal gallery. These are being sold to USA buyers. Still low priced, German has become extremely good and professional. He took a three month art course in the USA and came back with some new skills and knowledge. Up till then he had been teaching himself and was burning up with hidden talent, only awaiting some skills. Up till recently he was unsure of his skills and still produced stuff he liked, rather than could be sold by a gallery to the public. So far, all his new work is pre-sold before he does it now. Which are sort of gallery orders for some abstract type portrait acrylic painted stuff. His portraits have gotten real good. Ray Auxillou has now produced a number of pencil sketches and is getting quite confident in that medium and thinking of branching out into the acrylic painting field. Some efforts at clay sculpture and pottery type indian masks are the extent of experimenting in that field and what the little village needs is an experienced pottery person. Things are looking up in Hillview, Belize and we look forward to the next eight years and see where this budding artists colony develops.

"Falconview Backpackers Adventure Hostel"

We will be posting more art photos, as they is completed, on the BLOG for Western Belize happenings news and views.

1 comment:

  1. It’s so nice site. We love to see more on this site. Keep on updating… MonkAreYou Bali *hsfhfh
