Monday, March 2, 2009


more planes. People in uniform are Javier Flying Service, who run a Cessna 180, or 182 around the country on charter work.
more planes and people at the 2nd Annual Belize Fly In on Feb. 22nd, 2009 in Western Belize boondocks.
The big guy in the middle is Mick Fleming owner of CHAA CREEK tourist operation. He had his brand new, two place ultra-light TRIKE with an 81 hp ROTAX 912 and a speed flex wing, that allows him to cruise in bumpy air at 65 mph. Made me envious. Sure would like to fly that baby. Afraid to ask how much it costs though.
more planes at the FLY - IN
more planes at Belize Fly In
Mike Greens toy, the ultra light two place TRIKE. Mike lives at Chaa Creek in Western Belize.
Interior cabin of the Angel twin engine, carries seven passengers, or 1700 lbs of freight. Designed by missionaries for long range work in South America rough field conditions.
cockpit of ANGEL Twin engine
Danish owner of ANGEL aircraft, spends winters in Belize and flies across the ATLANTIC OCEAN with it.
ANGEL aircraft, twin engine, 1700 mile range, proposed for start up CARICOM AIRLINE out of Belize. But the GOB would not support the idea of CARICOM inter-transportation with a subsidy, cause they are broke. Which is a good enough reason.
Army helicopter and my brother in law, Gustavo Pinzon ( permanent resident in Belize) on the left.

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