Santa Elena Town now has three fruit and vegetable stands and it has been several months since I have bothered to even visit the Macal River market. We are now self sufficient for fruits and vegetables in the mile long Western Highway main street. The most common one from me is across from Agro Tech store, as it is two buildings over from my daily visit to the Internet Cafe.
The only thing I go to San Ignacio Town, across the river for anymore, is to visit Atlantic Bank, the Post Office and Angelus Press when I need photocopying or stationary supplies. Otherwise in the last three or four months, we no longer go across the river to San Ignacio Town at all. Santa Elena Town is getting more and more stores and public services all the time. Most of the time, the San Ignacio Town side of the river stores never have what you want to buy anyway and with new stores like an extra Three Flags ( which is packed daily ) and A & R most things of the odd ball sort can be bought right here. The wife went across to Melchor town, the other day on the Guatemalan side to buy sheets for a double bed we needed for tourists, as we did not have enough and bought a few things, we cannot get on this side of the border.
We are waiting for Atlantic Bank to open an extension office on this side of the river. We also are waiting for a local post office. Or at least a mail box corner setup in Hillview. We of course are still waiting for both telephone and internet service up in Hillview and been waiting for over ten years, complaining each year and receiving NEXT YEAR promises from BTL.
Rumor mill has it, that BTL will be evaluated as to worth, by an independent foreign valuator and then GOB will nationalize the company? Ashcroft will be paid in 1 - 1/2% interest paying GOB Bonds. The profits are expected to pay the interest and buy back somewhat on the Bonds over time.
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