There are many real estate businesses in Cayo West area. Some of the names I've heard are Ceiba Realty, Cayo Real Estate, Diamond Realty, Tropical Real Estate and there are others. The wife and I are retired here and have a residence and FALCONVIEW BACKPACKERS ADVENTURE HOSTEL as well. We know some of the real estate people and asked one of them one time, what their commission was to list our place. They said 10%. Consequently we never listed our property, even though we SORT OF, have it for sale. Rather dicker with a buyer directly and give that 10% to the buyer. We are asking $338,000 USD for our place. With five bathrooms, a small inner house, two dormitories, two furnished apartments, a warehouse, couple of tool rooms, two vegetable and flower nurseries and space to expand. Our place is called FALCONVIEW BACKPACKERS ADVENTURE HOSTEL. Took us 8 years to build it so far. We are currently building a duplex a block away up on a ridge of our community.
Like most people retired in Cayo Western Belize area, in the foothills of the Belize Alps, we have mixed feelings about selling our place. We have it for sale, like everybody else, but could care less about selling really. We love it so much and my four daughters have houses in the area also as holiday homes. If we got value we probably would and move up to our newer smaller house.
I guess you could call it " FOR SALE BY OWNER "
There are photos and descriptions on this BLOG if you wanted to get a better idea.
Take a look if you are interested. Otherwise we expect to be here in this area until we die. Love it! Great climate. We enjoy ourselves immensely.
Ray and Silvia ( )
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