One of the problems with the USA is the medical system. It is bad and it is outright extortion and robbery, in my opinion. For example: My 19 year old grandson is living up there trying to finish his Bachelors and works for a $100 a week, to make ends meet, when he can find work. He suffers from some sort of allergy, to do with certain kinds of chemicals they put in food. When he gets hit, his eyes close up and he starts to lose his ability to breath. A couple of weeks ago, as a new two year USA resident, he eats something that triggered his allergy and was able to drive himself to the emergency room of the nearest hospital, with one eye already closed shut. The other swelling and closing. The emergency room gave him BENEDRYL I think they call it? Probably a little stronger tablet than available over the drugstore counter anyway.
Then the medical bill came to the house in TEXAS and he gets a bill for $1700 usa dollars. There is no way in my imagination I can even begin to figure out how you can value an eight cent strong BENEDRYL tablet, or injection service from an emergency room doctor at $1700. To me that is plain extortion. Pure criminality. $10 would be more proper as a value for pill and service. No, he does not have health insurance. How can he pay for health insurance at his current student income level? I’m retired and I cannot even afford to have MEDICARE and MEDICAID, as it cost me $82 a month and I need that money myself to eat. Even so, where I used to live in GREATER MIAMI you couldn’t get anybody to treat you with Medicare or Medicaid anyway. They all refused, it was a useless $82 a month health insurance payment, which I eventually cancelled as worthless. Medical treatment is much easier and better in Belize for me in my retirement. For old people it is FREE!
Somebody wrote me that you cannot get in and out of any hospital emergency room in the USA for less than a base charges of $700 usa nnd it goes up from there with add ons ( itemized extras ) they bill you for. What a shock Belize immigrant families moving to the USA get, when local hospital emergency care is FREE here! If you believe the USA television network media, they have a superior medical system in the USA. POOOH! What a huge lie and disinformation campaign the media in the USA indoctrinate their citizens with.
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