Tuesday, December 15, 2009

TIKAL RUINS, GUATEMALA park entry fees raised to $20 usa for 2010

TIKAL - GUATEMALA entry fees raised by Government

Entry fees to TIKAL ruins, Guatemala in the Central Peten have been raised from $5 usa to $20 usa for foreign tourists, including us from Belize, for the 2010 tourist year. Guatemalans pay $3 usa.
Food at the restaurants, or comedors at the park entrance, have cheapest rice and beans starting at $5 Bz or $2.50 usa and food prices escalate for anything else at high prices. Belize tourists are complaining TIKAL is a TOURIST TRAP
From the top of the highest temple, you can see the tops of six temple pyramids sticking up around the surrounding jungle trees. To walk around is about 3 miles and needs about 4 hours of your time. The second highest temple has an almost vertical wooden ladder with no protection to climb to the top. About 120 feet. Some tourists have died having fallen off this temple. It is very steep.

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