Prime Minister of Belize, in answers to investigative reporters and articles, on the unequal sharing agreement over oil revenues enjoyed by BNE, said that he will NOT change the agreement.
BNE has exported around $600 million Bz of oil gross revenues from their first commercial find. Investigative reporters say that the nation of Belize is only getting 17% of the gross oil exports and arguments have been put forward that we should get at least 35% of the gross of export oil revenues, as a fair share of a perishable unsustainable resource.
BNE has a second confirmed commercial oil lake, not yet exploited, which will double their available oil export resources.
P.M. Barrow says he is honoring the sanctity of the oil contract signed by the previous government of Belize, under a different political party. He is convinced, he said; that there are a lot more oil lakes under Belize. He wants to encourage more drilling by other exploration companies. Oil revenues have the potential of rescuing Belize from a massive National Debt problem, created by the previous PUP government.
So big is this debt in comparison to the miniscule available possible tax revenues, that babies of today, will be having babies in 15 to 20 years from now and THEIR babies will still be paying off the NATIONAL DEBT. Debt payment expenditures are consuming half the revenues of the govenment, even with a recent decade of increasing government taxation.

Politicians are not very good at governing. The reason being; they ran for office for self enrichment and in their viewpoint and practices, they go for the party elite enrichment schemes, with relatives and party hacks enjoying jobs off the public treasury. Short term goals are political party aims, not longer term constructive nation building. A problem of human nature at work.
*** Prime Minister of Belize, a Mayan Mestizo, a newer polity of the Central MAYAN KINGDOMS, composed of 22 Mayan different linguistic groups. The MAYAN KINGDOMS COVER SOUTHERN MEXICO, THE YUCATAN PENINSULAR, BELIZE, GUATEMALA, SALVADOR AND NORTHERN BORDER OF HONDURAS.
They were divided up on blank maps by colonial European Empire builders, who invaded over the past 500 years. The Feudal Kingdoms still exist and most notable by the divisions of language groups. Some of the languages are very remote from each other, like comparing Rumanian, with English over in Europe.
..not wanting to even try fix a this bad deal, would have him
lynched here in Norway, but maybe we Norwegians are a wee bit
spoiled collecting well over 85% on our petroleum. ;o)
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