** Our galaxy. We are about half way toward the center in a spiral arm.
** Virgo cluster around which our solar system circles
Virgo cluster seen from a telescope
We can calculate the start of the next ICE AGE from the Mayan Kingdoms!
by Ray Auxillou, in the Maya Mountain foothills of Belize.
Funny what the mind takes to think upon, in the early morning hours, before waking up? Here is this morning subconcious calculations.
I had been exposed two days ago to my brother-in-laws collection of star charts, of our known Universe. Our local star clusters and our galaxy.
With the Maya having calculated in ancient human Mayan and other previous American civilizations, the crossing of the galactic plane by our solar system, I looked up this crossing the plane of the galaxy idea.
** stars of the galactic center
What I found was that the movement of the solar system up and down, above and below, the galactic plane, was 26,000 years the orbital mechanics people said. We are coming from an extreme end of this 30 degree inclined angle of our solar system movement across the galactic plane. According to the Maya we are now entering into the crossing part.
It clicked in my subconscious that this would fit into our ICE AGE historical data from glacial ice cores.
According to this, if our swing say: above the plane of the galaxy is 13,000 years in movement away at the extreme end and I don't know if we are going above, or below the plane of the galaxy in this current crossing yet? It will take our galaxy 26,000 years to reach the other end of this movement, there and back. During which we will be in an ICE AGE. We actually cross the galactic plane twice in the movement from one extreme to the other, above, or below the galactic plane. The trip one way, from one extreme to another is 26,000 years. Total round trip would be double that at 52,000 years.
What we can figure out roughly is that once we have passed this crossing of the plane of the galaxy, the next ICE AGE will start. Why that is I don't know. Historical dating from glacial ice cores tell us this roughly speaking.
The other puzzling question is: if the next ICE AGE starts after we finish crossing the plane of the galaxy and our solar system continues out to the extreme end of its motion, above or below the plane of the galaxy, that time takes 13,000 years one way, but 26,000 years back to the next crossing of the galactic plane going the other direction. The solar system then goes to the other extreme of the swing and takes 13,000 years out and 13,000 years back to the next crossing of the galactic plane.
We know that we are in a warming period between the ICE AGES which are cyclical. So that the warming period between glacial ice ages, is only roughly 13,000 years, or only one swing from an extreme extension of the solar system movement, above or below the galactic plane. The next time the swing occurs in reverse, we remain in the ICE AGE when crossing the plane of the galaxy on the return trip.
This fits in with the known data, that Ice Ages are roughly 39,000 years long and the warming period 13,000 years long. The unknown part is why on the second return crossing of the galactic plane, we don't enjoy warming up.
I postulate therefore, that the actual position of planet earth in the local solar system orbit would have something to do with that? The data fits in roughly. 39,000 years for an Ice Age and 13,000 years for the warming period. The warming period occurs roughly 40,000 years from now, after we reach this swing extreme, we have just left, either above or below the galactic plane on this leg of the movement, then make the return trip to cross the plane of the galaxy again and go to the other extreme, 26,000 years between them, above or below the galactic plane.
Kind of confusing, but best I can explain it. The things we don't know, or at least I don't know are;
1) How long does it take in years to cross the galactic plane? This will tell us when the next Ice Age will start. We then know that for the next 39,000 years we will be in an Ice Age on planet earth.
2) I don't know anything about how long it takes to make a solar orbit around the sun for planet earth and how this fits into the theory above.
3) Another questionable factor is that from my recent reading the last two days, the solar system circles around a star cluster called VIRGIO in our local area of the galactic arm. What that effect would have on the ICE AGE on earth is therefore unknown?
map of Virgo star cluster
Should the Europeans and USA be transferring their industrial and technological knowledge into equatorial countries for safe keeping? We have many cave systems in Belize can be used for storing a library of knowledge and machines.
Monday, March 17, 2008
How long will it take for our Sun to cross the Galactic Equator?
Well, you might think of pin-pointing this galactic crossing down to a particular date, an hour, or a minute, maybe. Our Mayan cosmologists and Mesoamerican enthusiasts will readily quote December 21, 2012. That was a date fixed by them as representing the end of the Long Count Calendar. Sort of like December 31st, when the ball drops at Times Square, and then the very next second the New Year begins all over again. Only their calender was 5,125 years long. That's a whole other subject.
For the record, but without going into complex equational and scientific calculus, it is a matter of some common sense that an object as small as our sun takes time to traverse the Galactic Equatorial zone. Our Galaxy ( what we call the Milky Way ) is incredibly big. More on that later.
It is thought that our Sun will take approximately 900 years to cross the Galaxy's visible central region. We may have started crossing the eastern edge about 450 years ago. More precisely, crossing the Galactic ecliptic will take the Sun, measuring half a degree, about 18 years. Some belief exists that we have in fact already crossed the Galaxy's ecliptic. But then it gets interesting. We are going to continue to get closer to the Galactic center for the next 232 years. In 2012 we will be 3 degrees from the Milky Way's center. In 2240AD our Sun will make it's closest approach to the Milky Way's center at 2.45 degrees distance, or a mere five sun diameters.
The alignment date that is mainly referred to is 21 December 2012, the Winter Soltice in that year, and coincidentally and maybe importantly, the end of the 13th Baktun in the 5125 year cycle of the Long Count Calendar. That date is written
Not that those Mayans and other Mesoamericans weren't astute, - they had crystal clear skies and nothing much on TV, so they paid attention to those roaming twinkles in the sky. To their credit, they figured out a lot of stuff, not the least of which might have been the Precession of the Equinoxes. Now that's pretty good going.
Posted by Galactic Crossing Blog at Monday, March 17, 2008
Labels: Galactic Crossing 3-17-08
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