Saturday, October 23, 2010



CINAMMON AND HONEY in your tea, a drink, or on food, cures arthritus and hardened arteries that create heart attacks.

Had stopped into Santa Elena Library today, to replace my books for weekend reading. Beatrice the LIBRARIAN was moving furniture around. She just got a new desk for the second floor. During the conversation, I asked her how her arthritus was doing? For years I have known her, she had been crippled by recurring bouts of severe arthritus. So had told her of the honey and cinammon cure, about a year ago. Don´t know if she remembered, but she answered me and said she doesn´t have arthritus any more. So, probably a year later, if I remember rightly, I asked her what she did to cure it? She said she takes cinammon and honey and it cured her. I smiled at her and silently congratulated myself. When repeating this to my wife, SHE immediately made me a tea this evening with hot water,cinammon and honey. To prevent my arteries from clogging up, as I had two heart attacks in my late forties. ( I´m 73 yrs now ) ( Smile! ) Developing Belize comes in many ways!

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