Banana Bank reports success of their SUNFLOWER SEED CAKE SUPPLEMENT as successful in Western Belize.
The oil was extruded at Reimer´s Feed Mill in Spanish Lookout, The cake is the remainder of the seed, after the oil has been extracted. This cake is 41% protein and suitable for livestock feed.
Some of the high oleic types contain a higher level of the healthy monosaturated fats than olive oil. While that is the current thinking, doctors who made ex-President USA CLINTON lose 25 lbs, of excess weight through a diet change would disagree with that. They say ALL OILS and FATS, either virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, or presumably SUNFLOWER oil are bad for your health. They recommended to President Clinton a vegetarian diet, with no meat, no dairy products and a reliance on fruit and vegetables to maintain proper weight and health. They explained in recent television interviews, that humans are plant eaters ( just examine your teeth ) and our diet should be plants, fruit and nuts. We are not carnivores ( meat eaters ) Much of the illnesses experienced by humans would go away and dietary injuries to the body, such as diabetes and heart disease would let the body cure itself, if you ate right.
SUNBUTTER is a new Belize product from this SUNFLOWER experiment at Banana Bank.
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