Ray Auxillou in trading room in Santa Elena Town, Green Parrot Valley.
During the past year, in particular the past eight months, we have succeeded in getting two internet ISP services, thus giving us back up redundancy. We also have two electrical supply systems, with a battery operated computer and a regular electrical main system. Consequently, we are now placed well to continue trading through thick and thin, in Foreign International Financial markets. Our specialty if it can be called that is CREDIT SPREADS, in derivative cash index trading.
The trading up to a point went well. We learned and experimented and twice now, we reached the 56% return on investment target in four months each time, before getting wiped out in an adverse market reaction. So we have eight months active trading. We would have been over a 100% if we had stayed lucky. The next leg is to provide on the job learning, by diversifying to deal with adverse market reactions and program into the system, three months of expected losses in any given year.
This third try, we are divesifying both to weekly and monthly CREDIT SPREADS, or in TIMED trades. Also diversifying by legging in at different levels. We have also added straight directional buying of options. How that will work out we don´t know yet. Be February or March before we have a clear idea on which of the four methodologies will work best.
The ultimate goal is to have a FAMILY HEDGE FUND, high risk, but high returns. With the intention of paying out a dividend of 15% base and an extra 5% if possible as a bonus dividend on an annual basis. Still a lot of work to go yet though. Making progress, but just not enough.
Ray Auxillou in the center in Western Belize
BELIZE - Little Switzerland of the Americas
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