At the moment CORN is the biggest export going West into Guatemala, Salvador and Honduras by truck loads. Several times a yesr. Agriculture exports are changing.
What we need is the San Ignacio ITVET ( Community College ) to train some opportunity looking entrepreneurs who can handle export container loads.
There are two ways this can work. You can be an ordinary CUSTOMERS BROKER dealing with the cross border paper work and bureaucratic red tape, or you can be an AGENT middleman and make your own MARKET and make your deals for container loads of agriculture products in Belize to be sold in Central America. The latter course makes more sense from a profit sense.
Growers are growers. They do not have the time or bookkeeping patience to deal with the bureaucratic red tape. All the running around to Belmopan, diddling with Minister's permits and baksheesh, the BAHA certifications, Origination paper work, etc. Then if you consider doing BANK Letter of Credits for payment, for F.O.B in Spanish Lookout, or in Belize, there is golden opportunity here for a half a dozen agents in the years ahead.
If it was me, and I was younger I would be acting as a middleman agent, buying locally, ( on credit ) getting container loads and dealing in speculation, seeking my own markets for agricultural products out of Belize to Central America.
The ITVET here in San Ignacio needs to run courses in MARKETING using the telephone, by INTERNET, and creating your own secret buyer markets for Belize agricultural products. Any sharp High School graduate could learn how to do this.
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS in Western Belize. A lot of new products are going to be exported in the next twenty years out of Belize. From orchids, to Neam oil, Nutmeg, pineapples, and even light manufactured products like solar cell panels. Do you know that Guatemala imports ALL their solar cell panels from China? You can make those easy in Belize. Nothing to it, at half the price. You would have to import the solar cells, but everything else in the assembly line can be done locally. We can even make WINDMILL chargers here for battery rural power. The world population growth is making commodities and products of all types that people need, harder and harder to get.
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