Sunday, November 21, 2010

New tourist package on Belize FREE!

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Charlie Trew wrote:

A few weeks ago I mentioned the BTB taking out quite a few ads in travel mags with a reader response option. I received a 2010 guide and I'm glad to report they did a pretty good job. The large brochure is an overall guide to the main types of activities in the country with lots of nice, large photos. The smaller booklet gets down into detail with loads of phone numbers and web addresses for various hotels and resorts listed by district. It also has detailed information on the major tourists sites and places of activity.
They also sent a tourist map, which I don't believe they have sent before with their response packages. Many countries do not send such maps with their guides and they should. This one is very detailed for all the major tour locations and the back of the map has more info for the sites on the front (as well as general information on things such as weddings, eco-tourism, diving, etc.).
Let's hope for a good 2010-2011 season.

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