The TRUST has not even started business yet. Nor was it planned to become active in distribution of GRANTS to deserving Belizean students before January,2013. As an international offshore TRUST with intended banking and business operations outside of Belize and made up of a few scattered members of the AUXILLOU extended family, wanting to leave a legacy behind to the future of Belize, in appreciation of how they LOVE BELIZE and appreciated opportunities offered to our family in this wonderful small country, that is fast developing to be the LITTLE SWITZERLAND OF THE AMERICAS.
The TRUST was written up this year. All GRANT FUNDING TRUSTS need cash flow. BNE TRUST has oil money, the TURTONS I don´t know what they have, the BARON BLISS FUND has what is left from the gift long ago, of BARON BLISS inerest payments. There are a few other small CHARITABLE TRUSTS operating with GRANTS in Belize. Philanthropy is new to the small population of Belize. The Belize Unit TRUST is a commercial TRUST for shareholders, but is earning about 5.8% a year gross for members and we hoped to do much better than that with a HIGHER RISK HEDGE FUND, at 20% returns or better. The Belize Unit Trust invests in US BOND TRADING their website declares. Our own direction for our CHARITABLE TRUST cash flow is INDEX CASH INSTRUMENTS OPTION TRADING.
Needless to say, the SAINT RAYMOND CHARITABLE EDUCATIONAL TRUST had to figure out a way to make some cash flow. We had a small nest egg set of pledges for beginning donors, ( $100,000 for BTL shares ) but GRANTS for perpetuity require cash flow. The TRUST GRANTOR decided on creating a HEDGE FUND to provide cash flow. No one knew if this would work and the past 16 months have been spent learning the ropes of a HEDGE FUND operation, intended to operate in the International Arena, outside of Belize. Cash pilot project operations are expected to start in January 2011 and if that year is successful with the HEDGE FUND, then in 2012 the FUND would go into it´s first proper year of operations on January 2012. Making GRANT money available for the year 2013.
Then this year along came the NATIONALIZATION OF BTL, with proper management and stewardship the possibility raised the potential of raising funds through dividends from BTL shares. The Prime Minister, Dean Barrow said he was going to offer shares to the Belizean public. We solicited PLEDGES from the AUXILLOU GROUP to the amount of a pooled $100,000 to buy BTL shares. The kicker in the PLEDGES was the requirement that no shares of BTL could be bought, that did not offer a dividend less than the share price that would give 12% or better to shareholders in a dividend.
We saw the BTL share sale as an opportunity to jump start the SAINT RAYMOND CHARITABLE EDUCATIONAL TRUST and shave off perhaps one or two years of START UP time, in the giving of EDUCATIONAL GRANTS to worthy Belizean students quicker than the original TIMELINE we had planned.
You see the results of that in our BIDDING to buy BTL shares, despite our misgivings about the political meddling currently being done. Failing the gambit to acquire BTL shares at a decent dividend rate, then we continue to go ahead with PLAN 1. BTL shares were an opportunity touted as PLAN 2 to establish a core TRUST revenue stream flow for the giving of GRANTS in Belize.
The SECRET bidder behind the BTL bids is the SAINT RAYMOND CHARITABLE EDUCATIONAL TRUST. Now you know!
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