Thursday, December 2, 2010

BELIZE - Some of Ray Auxillou´s grandchildren on THANKSGIVING holiday in the USA.

Grandkids of Ray Auxillou the patriarch,over on Thanksgiving Holiday in snowy Colorado.

Ray Auxillou - proud Grandpa, with grandkids on holiday in Colorado on Thanksgiving,2010

We spend the Thanksgiving weekend in Keystone, Colorado. Here is a pic of the cousins you might like. From left to right it's Marlise, Blayd, Chris (Zoe's boyfriend), Zoe, Miguel (Giselle's boyfriend), Giselle, Justin, Tyler and Stefan.


Thanks Wendy ( my wonderful daughter )

Marlise is my daughter Sharon´s youngest.
Blayd is my daughter Wendy´s youngest.
Zoe is Wendy´s daughter
Giselle is my daughter Wendy´s daughter
Justin is my daughter Diane eldest son.
Tyler is my daughter Tina´s son.
Stefan is my daughter Sharon´s eldest.

What a wonderful photo. I love to see them grow up. Giselle is in the USA National Guard and Tyler I thought was still over in China studying Mandarin.

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