Monday, February 7, 2011

BELIZE - UDP government report card increases to 54%


Minister of Education, Patrick Faber is responsible for the 1 point increase approval rating of this current UDP government. The point was earned because of the increase in trained PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER CERTIFICATIONS publicized in the local press. There had been a graduation excercise.
If I have any misgivings, it is that the TURNOVER of primary school teachers is faster than the production of certified training available to the rural teacher school areas. At the current production rate of certifying PRIMARY SCHOOL teachers, we are going ahead one step and falling behind three steps.
Primary School education is the single biggest problem facing the education establishment within Belize. The Education Department and the Minister of Education Patrick Faber are aware, our resources are limited and nearly all primary schools are church mission type run schools as the government lacks the money to make schools themselves. Though the government does pay all primary school teacher salaries, whoever creates and owns them. It is a complicated problem, and within our resources, some way to increase training of primary school teachers to a level of certification must be quadrupled. Just my opinion! Anyway, congratulations to Patrick Faber for getting this far. Worth an additional point on the UDP report card.

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