Thursday, June 16, 2011

Belize debate on teenage single mothers and the lack of a support social program.

Ray, I completely agree with you regarding society supporting mothers, and am in awe of the enlightened countries in Europe that offer such (socialist) benefits as lengthy maternal leave, and free medical care.

Central European countries are the most dedicated countries in the world regarding parental leave. In the Czech Republic, it is standard that mothers stay at home for 3 years with every child. All mothers can decide to take 2, 3 or 4 years of maternity leave. It is also possible for the fathers to take the leave instead of the mothers but it is not common. For the whole period mothers are supported by the state. Also, in Slovakia the standard duration of parental leave is 3 years; for a handicapped child it is up to 6 years. The state pays support of 256 Euros per month for the child's first 2 years. After this period it is 164.22 Euros per month. A similar model is also used in Austria where mothers can choose between 1 and 3 years.

Sweden is one country which provides generous parental leave: all working parents are entitled to 16 months paid leave per child, the cost being shared between employer and the state. To encourage greater paternal involvement in child-rearing, a minimum of 2 months out of the 16 is required to be used by the "minority" parent, in practice usually the father. Norway also has similarly generous leave. In Estonia mothers are entitled to 18 months of paid leave, starting up to 70 days before due date. Fathers are entitled to paid leave starting from the third month after birth.

In the UK, all female employees are entitled to 52 weeks of maternity (or adoption) leave, 39 weeks of which is paid, rising to 52 weeks paid from April 2010, with the first six weeks paid at 90% of full pay and the remainder at a fixed rate. Most employers offer a more generous policy. Annual leave continues to accrue throughout the maternity leave period. A spouse or partner of the woman (including same-sex relationships) may request a two week paid (at a fixed rate) paternity leave.

You can forget the 10 commandments of Jews and Christians. Moses wasn´t strong enough to bring those heavy rocks down the mountain. Not even with a mule.

God or Nature has only TWO LAWS. Survive and reproduce to continue the species. I do not believe there is any intervention on the individual creature basis, whatever genus. Whatever there is, is probably based on the statistical average. Not much comfort for those with various religious indoctrinations. It does though, point out as a society in Belize, we are responsible for the health and welfare and education of the mother and young, however they are created and will keep our population either stable, or growing and creating the comfort zone, taxes and workers for future GDP growth for our country and government. Germany has to import immigrants for their factories. The USA has to import their brain power for their technology programs. For a country to survive, you have to manage your human resources and young mothers, or teenage pregnancy can be an asset to our nation of Belize given the proper government climate management. It will happen anyway, and it is up to us as a nation to decide whether we use them, or discard them. Right now, we are discarding them in Belize.

--- On Thu, 6/16/11, Ray Auxillou wrote:

Well that is a more knowledgeable viewpoint with science involved. Glad to see you take that side of the debate. While you can argue these points being a modern, the facts actually through feudal times point out the opposite. Of course there might have been extenuating circumstances such as war and rape, which was constant in most countries of those centuries.
While we WISH for girls to wait until they are 28 or so to have children, that didn´t happen most times, nor does it today. Though it seems to in cities that are now consuming more of the land and population. Square box caves we build ourselves.
I think I would like to repeat that a society that ignores teenage pregnancy and motherhood is short changing their own society. There should be social systems and a culture that gives the young mother, both security, skills, education and respect in the community. A matriarcheal society.
We have the geaneology of the Auxillou´s going back a thousand years pretty much, with sporadic gaps of a few centuries periodically. I notice until Napolean´s time that many of the church records, show the girls were betrothed around age 3 or 4 years of age. Married in fact, by the Catholic Church in France.

--- On Thu, 6/16/11, kay wrote:

Ray, medical and physical facts contradict your statement that teenage girls were made to have babies.

You can have all the "views" you want, but it's better if one's views are based on facts.

Early childbirth is much more difficult since girls' bodies haven't finished growing yet.... the statistics definitely improve after age 20.

Younger mothers may not be emotionally mature enough to handle child-birth and child-rearing.

And no, it wasn't "okay" back in rural agrarian times or cultures, as the risk of death during pregnancy and childbirth for mothers (especially teens) was much higher than it is today.

Here's a few stubborn facts:

Having a first child during adolescence makes a woman likely to have more children overall

Teen mothers are about 2 years behind their age group in completing their education.

Women who have a baby during their teen years are more likely to live in poverty.

Teen mothers are more likely than older mothers to have a second child within 2 years of their first child.

Infants born to teenage mothers are at greater risk for developmental problems.

Girls born to teen mothers are more likely to become teen mothers themselves, and boys born to teen mothers have a higher than average rate of being arrested and jailed.

Adolescent pregnancy is associated with higher rates of illness and death for both the mother and infant.

Death from violence is the second leading cause of death durig pregnancy for teens, and is higher in teens than in any other group.

Pregnant teens are at much higher risk of having serious medical complications such as:

Placenta previa

Pregnancy-induced hypertension

Premature delivery

Significant anemia


Infants born to teens are 2 to 6 times more likely to have low birth weight than those born to mothers age 20 or older.

Teen mothers are more likely to have unhealthy habits that place the infant at greater risk for inadequate growth, infection, or chemical dependence.

The younger a mother is below age 20, the greater the risk of her infant dying during the first year of life.
Medically, the hazards of an adolescent pregnancy include: an overall increase in incidence of infant mortality 2-3 times that of the normal population; twice as many growth-retarded infants born to teen mothers; maternal mortality 60% higher than normal; and a low incidence of prenatal care early in pregnancy. Equally important are non-medical consequences for the teenage parent. In general, the consequences of teen parenthood are more severe for the young mother than for the young father. Teen mothers have a suicide rate 10 times that of the general population.

So, more of the babies die, and more of the mothers die, when they're younger than 20.

--- On Thu, 6/16/11, Ray Auxillou wrote:

I have a different view of that. For sake of debate. Nature, GOD, made teenage girls to have babies. Whether by hormones or enzymes I will not argue. But the time in life for the human animal to have babies is in the teens and twenties, as dictated by GOD, or NATURE. In olden times of farming, this was okay. But in the industrial world of today, the TIMING of babies by GOD no longer fits human behavior.

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