Monday, October 31, 2011

BELIZE and World fishery species going extinct rapidly.

by Ray Auxillou, Nov. 2011.

The most favorite profitable fish stocks around the world have collapsed. Since 1952, when the beginning of massive modern technological search and find, fish methods have improved, to meet the growing demand for sea food for a rising world population, now 7 BILLION people and still rising. The value of sea food has risen so high that more and more modern technological fishing methods have been invented. In the short term, multi-millionaires have been made, by fishing declining fish stocks to extinction. By the same token, what was once self sustainable fisheries using simpler means have gone extinct. The Blue Fin fishery of the Mediterranean is one, the COD Fishery off New Foundland is another. Fisheries that lasted for centuries, using artisanal methods of fishing for over 600 years that we know of, have gone extinct. When I say extinct, I mean GONE! Gone forever, with recovery now impossible, in the lifetimes of several generations of humans to yet be born, that we know of. The fishing has been so technologically intense that fish stocks of most commercial species have been brought below the level needed to rebuild the fisheries. The gene pool has been decimated.
The most visible examples within Belize are the Spanish Mackeral fisherey of the Northern half of Belize, migratory silk snapper, mullet, conchs and also the Grouper stocks. Quite a few other migratory types of fisheries are also now GONE in Belize, FOREVER, for more than an expected two hundred years, if ever there could be any slight possibility for them to come back and restore the narrow migratory, or narrow, environmental ecological stocks that were once common in tropical Belize during colonial times? There is some question about that too?
World wide, when the scientists recommended minimum quotas for endangered declining fisheries, the politicians in support of votes and jobs, quadrupled and quintupled the amounts of the quotas in order to solicit votes for the short term election cycles. Fisheries regulations, again world wide were made, not necessarily strong enough to restore declining fisheries, but even so, the regulations were for the most part a placebo to satisfy NGO´s and public opinion. Political needs for jobs and short term pressure, resulted in non-enforcement, not only in Belize, but around the globe.
Today, 90% of global commercial fish stocks once so common, harvested by a smaller world population, around 3 billion, when Belize was still a colony called British Honduras, have gone beyond HOPE of any recovery. Human population and pressure has risen also in the last 50 years, from 3 billion people to 7 billion people.
We better invent a futuristic food replicator machine that can make articial food, because the oceans and seas of the world are no longer viable producers of sea food.

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