Today the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association held a final workshop on the Soil Study Program that began in 2009. The workshop revolved around presentations based on the final results of the project, which were carried out by soil analyst from Cuba. For the soil project, the Cuban analyst collected soil samples from several cane fields here in the north. The samples were then sent to Cuba for testing in order to learn more about the soil and the type of fertilizer that it needed to produce quality cane. Chairman of the BSCFA Committee Of Management Ramon Aban, told us more about the workshop.
Ramon Aban, Chairman of BSCFA
“Este workshop que se hizo hoy es para el último informe del soil test que la Asociación aprobó gracias a los cañeros para hacer que los técnicos cubanos lo hagan y ahora ya nos están entregando los resultados finales y ahora queda en manos de nosotros para poder implementar con nuestros cañeros.”
Ramon Aban, Chairman of BSCFA
“Esto es especialmente para ver qué tipo de fertilizante vamos a usar y para aumentar la producción de caña de azúcar de aquí en Belice porque en los años anteriores solo comprábamos fertilizante y se lo ponemos en los planteles, ahora no va hacer lo mismo que el cañero estaba acostumbrado sino tenemos que llevarnos acabo de este soil test para poder saber el tipo de fertilizante en que va a usar el cañero.”
His Excellency Manuel Rubido, the Ambassador of Cuba to Belize, stated that the Soil Study Program could be nothing more than beneficial to the entire Sugar Industry.
Manuel Rubido, Ambassador of Cuba
“We can accurately say that Belize will now have a data base an analysis of its soil for sugarcane production which is at first class level, they will be able to make the adequate and precise decision and I am sure of that in the next few years we will see the results of those efforts in the increase in the production of sugar for the industry here in Belize.”
According to Aban, the Soil Project will be implemented immediately so as to be able to compete with other sugar producing countries. But most importantly, the soil project is expected to increase the sugar production in Belize.
Manuel Rubido, Ambassador of Cuba
“Today after two years we arrive to the conclusion that we will be able to give the farmer and the industry in general the necessary guidelines for not only adequate fertilization but adequate use of the soil and its components to be able to increase the yield of the sugar crops of the future.”
Ramon Aban, Chairman of BSCFA
“Este estudio que se hizo es para que el cañero ponga el fertilizante adecuado para que podamos conseguir más producción y poder hace que la fabrica pueda moler mas cana y mas azúcar para poder vender en los mercados designados para Belice.”
Attending the workshop today were cane farmers and representatives from the Development Finance Corporation and Prosser.
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