Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Will Mahier speaks out of lack of protection in TOLEDO from Guatemalan bandits.

Wil Mahier, Toledo District PNP leader. He has the capacity to be the next Prime Minister, if he can show capability of organizing the UNIFIED political parties in Belize in ALL constituencies within the next 3 to 6 months, when the next General Election is expected in 2012. Will offers youth and vigor, with proven leadership and organizing roles from his TIDE NGO days.

Wil Maheia
Brazen Guatemalan Xatero's came back into San Jose village and walk away with two more horses from the villagers. Isn't our government suppose to take care of our borders and its people? That is definitely not happening on our SW borders...People please take note, this government does not give a darn about our borders in-fact they act like the country is only Belize city and Orange Walk.

***TOO TRUE! Especially with that one and a quarter million dollars, given to special political voters out of the tax treasury, for Xmas presents.

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