Tuesday, January 3, 2012

E CAT cannot run a steam engine to turn an electrical generator.

THE QUESTION OF BUILDING A STEAM ENGINE TO RUN A GENERATOR USING THE E-CAT ion transfer catalytic process, to generate hot water and steam. Output temperature of steam from an E- Cat generator is at best 120 centrigrade, whereas boiling water is 100 centigrade

Thankyou very much for that tidbit Kurt. Settles the question in my mind, whether to invest or not. The answer is NOT! The reason according to Desai in India who builds and sells small steam engines, is that the pressure at room temperature would be too low to run the pistons in a steam engine. He runs his at 150 psi. So the E-Cat then, is basically a water heater, for heating cold climate homes. We don´t have that problem in Belize. You cannot run a steam engine at 28.8 psi is my understanding. Horsepower and torque I presume is a result of the amount of pressure?

From: Kurt
To: belize-technical-group@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: [-BTG-] E-Cat Weekly -- December 8, 2011
On 03/01/12 18:36, Ray Auxillou wrote:
> I´m still trying to figure out, if there is enough steam pressure, to run a steam engine, to turn a generator. All I can get from the reports is that,
> the output steam is 120 centigrade and boiling water is 100 Centigrade. This is the temperature, but can´t figure the pressure. A lot of the time an amateur like me, does not know enough to ask the right questions.
Saturated steam at 120 degrees C will be at a pressure of 28.8 psi (at sea level).
Whether or not that will drive a steam engine for electricity production is a question of engineering.

who googled Steam Tables
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1 comment:

  1. Hello Friends,
    Very informative. The most basic natural gas-fired electric generation consists of a steam generation unit, where fossil fuels are burned in a boiler to heat water and produce steam that then turns a turbine to generate electricity. In these types of units, instead of heating steam to turn a turbine, hot gases from burning fossil fuels are used to turn the turbine and generate electricity. Thank to share it....

    Steam Tables
