Pre-election of new naturalization immigrants by incumbent politicians before the close of VOTERS REGISTRATION
One of the things creating a flurry of propoganda and action by current elected representatives is the appearance of hundreds ( as many as 700 people ) getting their naturalization papers processed rammed through this past month or so, with the idea that politicians who help the 15 to 20 year long Central American campesinos who have immigrated to Belize over the past few decades, clear up their paper work. The country of Belize is becoming more red tape bureaucracy and most campesinos from Central America, neither read, or write, much less in our ENGLISH, which is a foreign language to them. Their children and grandchildren born in Belize though have mostly already got their red tape identification paper work in order. It is the grand parents, the original illiterate immigrant that lacks the paper work. The scenes of a hundred or so, immigrants swearing in at citizenship ceremonies, is fuel for fodder for the OPPOSITION PARTIES, wanting to smear the campaign of the incumbent party. In reality, the numbers are people who have lived here for a couple of decades, often going back to the time when they fled the Central American civil wars.
I did some statistical work of my own, to see what was real in the immigration numbers, versus the dis-information being bandied about by opposition political parties, for smearing and election campaigning, pressing of emotional buttons in some places, mainly the pòrt of Belize City. The best figure I could figure out in 2011, was; THERE IS ABOUT ONE NEW IMMIGRANT FROM CENTRAL AMERICA MOVING INTO BELIZE, PER EVERY THREE DAYS. Undoubtedly that number will be cleared up eventually by IMMIGRATION and the Statistical Department. Though I doubt my number is very far off? It will be interesting to see what the average immigration rate from Central America was for 2011?
I have no idea why anybody would be worried? These are usually illiterate campesinos, looking for a house lot eventually, and able to build their own house. They provide in Western Belize, all the DAY LABOR for construction work, driving of farm tractors and machinery, some work in warehouses in stocking, all pretty much work at the cheapest manual labor. Their children and grandchildren though have gone through regular Belizean schools and many of the second and third generation are contributing in entrepreneurial ventures to the economy of Belize in a meaningful way.
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