Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Marcel Cardomo, the only HONEST member of the Belize parliament?
MP Elected representative Mr. Cardomo is someone we respect. HERE he outlines the GET RICH CORRUPTION OF INCUMBENT PRIME MINISTER DEAN BARROW IN A NEWS MEDIA CAST,

Feb 8, 2012
Cardona lashes out on U.D.P. nepotism and cronyism

Marcel Cardona

Cardona, in quoting PM Dean Barrow prior to taking office in 2008, recalled that the U.D.P.’s position on nepotism and corruption was one of zero tolerance; however, he said, Barrow has since reneged on that commitment to the people of Belize. Cardona then went on to cite numerous instances of purported nepotism and cronyism within the Barrow Administration, involving the prime minister’s family.

Marcel Cardona

“The Prime Minister Dean Oliver Barrow now boldly and quite conveniently asserts (as Prime Minister) that he does not believe that nepotism is or refers to favoring one’s family members or relatives. And so is awarding of millions upon millions of tax-payers dollars in legal services to the Prime Minister’s ex-wife Lois Young Barrow and brother Denys Barrow, when there are other equally competent, if not more competent local attorneys who could do the job, not a blatant act of “corruption” and “nepotism” on the part of Mr. Anti-Corruption, Prime Minister Dean Barrow? And so is the awarding of lucrative oil contracts to the Prime Minister’s nephew, Kimano Barrow, to allow him and his family to benefit from the oil bonanza in Belize, not another blatant act of “public corruption” and “nepotism” on the part of Mr. Anti-Corruption, Prime Minister Dean Barrow? And so is the appointing of the Prime Minister’s Ex-wife Lois Young Barrow and his twenty-seven year old son, Anwar Barrow to the lucrative B.T.L. Board of Directors, following B.T.L.’s takeover by the Government of Belize in 2009, not another blatant act of “public corruption” and “nepotism” on the part of Mr. Anti-Corruption, Prime Minister Dean Barrow ladies and gentlemen? And so is the appointing of the Prime Minister’s twenty-seven year old son, Anwar Barrow, as a temporary member of the Belize Senate, not another blatant act of “public corruption” and “nepotism” on the part of Mr. Anti-Corruption, Prime Minister Dean Barrow? And so is the awarding of the lucrative National Boledo and Lottery Contract to a joint venture business between Brad’s and the Prime Minister’s twenty-seven year old son, Anwar Barrow, not another blatant act of “public corruption” and “nepotism” on the part of Mr. Anti-Corruption, Prime Minister Dean Barrow? And so is the retention and rewarding of his close friend, confidant, and close relative or family member of Prime Minister Dean Barrow, being the current NICH President, following the discovery of what may well be classified as her “secret sweetheart deal” with a private investor over an exclusive and lucrative 10-year contract renewable for or to another ten years, over rights over the No’hoch Che’ En Archaeological Site at Cave’s Branch, not another blatant act of “public corruption” and “nepotism” on the part of Mr. Anti-Corruption, Prime Minister Dean Barrow?”

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