Weekend newspapers filled us in; to the trickof the current so-called consultation on changes proposed to the marijuana sentencing laws. The government is not consulting the public. They are basically telling us what they are going to do.
Apparently the prison population is too much and too expensive, on small amounts of marijuana for personal use. So the idea of this consultation being jammed down our throats, to quiet those of us who clamor for removal of Indian Hemp product criminal laws; is to snow us under with a smokescreen. The government's mind is made up, and weekend newspapers clarify, that the intent of the government of Belize, is solely to subtract prison sentences for small personal amounts of marijuana and instead substitute, parole, and some kind of counseling classes to those apprehended. Paid for by the victims of this nonsense.
The object of the new criminal laws, will be to reverse the cost of incarcerating smokers of the herb in the National Prison system at an expense to government, and instead create a revenue stream by hiring more bureaucrats ( providing more government financed jobs ) to teach classes, for marijuana smokers to reform. FAT CHANCE OF THAT. Going to be another academic intelligentsia, salaried ne'er do well, bureaucratic boondoggle, looks like.
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