Wednesday, August 8, 2012


     Nicaragua Welcomes Meeting of Central American Foreign Ministers PDF Imprimir E-Mail
Imagen activaManagua, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) Foreign ministers from the country members of the Central American Integration System (SICA) hold in Nicaragua today a preparatory meeting of the Presidential Summit to begin on Wednesday in this capital.

  In the activity, technical teams from each delegation will exchange on the topics that will be debated by the heads of states, who will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Esquipulas Agreements, which laid the foundations for peace in the region.

In this SICA Summit they will take fundamental agreements to keep on strengthening peace in Mesoamerica and face common problems to fight poverty, the coordinator of the Communication and Citizenship Council, Rosario Murillo said.

The official announced that among the topics of the forum will be the regional security, cooperation to face the ravages of climate change, food crisis and rising food prices.

Murillo as well valued the possibility to reach agreements for joint purchases of drugs among member States from SICA, aimed to reduce costs and guarantee quality supplies.

In declarations to Channel 4 on TV, the representative of the Executive said the presidents will analyze the decisions on previous meetings, among them the strengthening of all actions in the framework of the regional security strategy, agreed in Guatemala last year.

At present, Nicaragua chairs SICA's pro-temporary presidency, a mechanism where Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama are part of as members and the Dominican Republic as associated State.


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