Tuesday, February 26, 2013



Miami and State of Florida, still have laws against assisted suicide for terminally ill patients.

  Just the got the word today, that neither by surgery or radiation and chemo, my cancer cannot be cured by either method.  I have to wait it out, to spread more, and kill me by other means.  At the moment, it is considered too big a tumor for effective treatment.  These are the results by the best doctors in the land supposedly, here in Miami.

  The dreadful thing, is the absence of choice of death, at a time and place the patient decides.  There is no alternative choice.  No dignity end of life assisted suicide clinics to go to.  They apparently are illegal?  I would never have thought Florida was such a WHACKO state?  This is a relic of a more religious time, when religionists made the laws, a hundred years ago.  Feudal and not fitting for a modern secular society.  WHAT DO I DO NOW?
  Terminal cancer and pain growing day by day.  THIS IS CRAZY LEGAL STUFF!

  I envisioned when it was hopeless, of having a farewell party with 7 children, 14 grandchildren around me, hugs and kisses, some cake and ice,cream and shared wonderful memories of a life well spent.  Then taking a needle, or a drink that would put me to sleep, cheerful, painless and peaceful, forever, in the loving embrace of my family.  A time of celebration, a farewell party, like a Caribbean WAKE, before the event sort of thing.

  Instead I'm sentenced by the legal system to some weeks and months of unrelenting pain, loss of ambulatory power and control of my body and circumstances.  What kind of shit is this?

  Me at 75 years going on 76 years.  See tumor on side of neck a few months back,with my daughter Sharon, who has been driving me around from doctor specialist, to doctor specialist, hospitals, making appointments, threading the slow bueaucratic process of Florida supplementary medicaid. The tumor is growing and spreading over to the other side of the neck now.  The pain is extreme, totally on pain pills all the time. Pet Scan and MRI review today, showed it would not be possible for surgery to cure.  Too big, aggressive, malignant and advanced.  Same story for radiation and chemo treatment.  I'm shocked the medical and legal system has left me stranded without choices. I don't mind dying at my age while in control of my choices.  After talking to other old people, no wonder the National Debt is so huge?  In wheelchairs and walkers, people on medicare and medicaid; they say they are being prevented from assisted suicide.  The medical machine must keep you alive even if you don't want to, in pain, until eventually you suffer a natural death. Some organ failure or something.  Nobody dies of cancer anymore.  It is usually organ failure caused by cancer.  The statistics are screwy. The tumor is twice this size now, and still growing.



 And just so you know, the most fun I've had in my life is as a direct result of being Ray Auxillou's daughter.  I am your child, no two ways about it.  I love you, dad.

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Wendy Auxillou <wauxillou@gmail.com> wrote:
I agree with you 100%.  No one, before they are brought into this world, is asked whether he or she wants to make the journey or not.  We have no choice.  We are dragged here kicking and screaming.  Having made the journey, if that individual decides that he or she doen't want to continue it, that should be his or her free choice as well.  The decision to exit this world at one's own timing without having to explain to anyone why they want to, or being stigmatized for doing so, should be a natural right.  And I mean a human right, not just a right for the terminally ill.

Big hugs to you dad. I can understand the frustration and sense of helplessness. We do enjoy having you around so if there is medication that will help with the pain, that would be a good place to start.  Clear heads prevail.

Much love!


Island Cheers,
Diane Auxillou--------------------------------------------------
Tel: (USA) +312-890-4006

Vacation Rentals: www.staycayecaulker.com 
Caye Caulker Realty: www.mycayecaulker.com 

 IMMUNOCAL is known to shrink tumors quickly 5-6 packs a day for as long as possible but you should see results 2-3 months mix the Immunocal with yogurt is the best TRY IT you don't have anything to loose !

You never read all the info I sent you on this Just try IT !

I ordered some for my momma and she will be doing 3-4 packs a day when she comes back from Portugal. Her Radiologist told her if she took the Immunocal she will live longer it's in the Canadian CPS Book AND it's also in the American AMA book )I think It's the AMA the doctors Bible ASK the doctors to check blood work for your Glutathione level I suspect it's way low considering the size of tumor -If this is so you know it is because of the Glutathione Start it right away and please don't be so stubborn to try it !

Love you gramps


From Sharon:

 Dad, much Love to you always.  Glad you are my father, and that you were there and are here to shape who I am today. Happy that I got to share with you over the years many  great and beautiful adventures and misadventures, joy and happiness, life lessons and special family time.

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