Investigative journalism by Guardian newspaper reporters, have indicated that a Belizean is the FIRST LADY of GUATEMALA our neighbor, this weekend. (* see clarification in postscript ) Sandra Garcia it is claimed in the newspaper from Belize City is the wife of President Colom, currently under investigation as a MAFIA DON in Guatemalan political circles, says the Guardian newspaper in Belize. Guatemalan President Colom is being investigated in three murders and looting of the Guatemalan Rural Development Bank. Similar to the scandals in Belize of the other Garcia sister under the PUP government. The President’s wife, Mrs. Sandra de Colom is allegedly the GUARDIAN says; is also the sister of our infamous Nadia Garcia of PUP looting and plundering fame, of the DFC and Intelco in Belize, during the financially crippling financial stripping of the DFC and future Belize government earnings, for the next 30 years and maybe longer, using government credit and foreign loans which disappeared offshore someplace. Currently one quarter of Belize government revenues is used to pay just the interest ( not the debt incurred by the PUP crooks ) on what escalated to a national debt of $2 Billion Bz, or $1 Billion USA, every year. Unless re-financing is implemented in this time of low interest rates, the PUP debt of which Nadia Garcia played a senior part in her role of running the Development Finance Corporation, in which in Senate Hearings, she admitted to signing off on FRAUDULENT PAPERS, but for which she was NEVER prosecuted ( why? ) by either political party in Belize The interest payments in Belize on the National Bond Debt are due to progressively escalate to 65% of Government annual revenues in 2012, or two years time, making governing in Belize impossible. The future has been allegedly stolen by the PUP and is currently being plundered by the UDP on a much lesser scale.
While the PUP looting and plundering of Belize’s money and future earning capacity was originally estimated around $140 million under the PUP, that disappeared offshore, the ripple effects and law of unintended consequences, quickly ran the financial raiding during the previous PUP two terms up to a BILLION USA dollars. In a country of 300,000 people. Slightly less than 100% of GDP, but which at one time was 127% of GDP. The GUARDIAN newspaper alleges that Mrs. Colom, First Lady of Guatemala, is also duplicating Nadia Garcia, her alleged sister in Belize City performance with the Development Finance Corporation, some seven years ago in Belmopan the capital. One has to presume that sisters communicate and have heart to heart talks with each other about life in general. It does seem coincidental that the same modus operendi is allegedly taking place in Guatemala, with alleged MAFIA DON, President Colom, President Colom’s wife being accused of duplicating today, the events of the looting and plundering done in Belmopan the capital of Belize, when her sister Nadia Garcia was in the upper echelons of administrative power at the DFC here. At any rate the GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER is alleging Mrs. Colom, is First Lady of Guatemala, is also the sister of our infamous NADIA GARCIA, in Belize, and in Guatemala is part of the CABAL of her suspected alleged murdering MAFIOSO DON husband, who is President of that country and is supposed to be part of embezzlement and swindles to do with the Guatemalan equivalent of what was our Development Finance Corporation, called in Guatemala, the RURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK. Paper corporations, money laundering, deviation of public funds to non-existent programs, all are copy cat, looting and plundering that occurred in Belize some 7 years ago and is now being alleged in Guatemala today by our local newspapers in Belize. With 12 million people in Guatemala versus only 300,000 in Belize, the money stealing opportunities must be close to a BILLION dollars of disappearing Guatemalan funds during a Presidential term of office? We now have that sort of experience after the PUP in Belize, to judge such matters.
While we have a NEW government in Belize over a year old, called the UDP political party, this weekend newspapers are hinting that our own Prime Minister is feeding his divorced ex-wife an average of a MILLION DOLLARS a month of our tax money, to act as a government contract lawyer, doing nonsensical legal battles. Louis Young ( lawyer ) the newspapers this weekend, allege; she has earned about $12 million dollars since her ex-husband came to power in Belize as the Prime Minister. This must be newspaper guesswork, but probably not too far wrong? Our opinions are formed by the newspapers and television news stories in Belize. This is an opinion piece.
Belizean voters and citizens are well aware now, that politics is big money business for those who run for political office and the real hard workers seem few and far between, with honesty as their credo, who enter the political fray. Rene Montero our area representative seems to be doing a good job as Minister of Agriculture for our voting district. There are obviously a lot of -wanna be - crooks in the UDP as well, now running our country. The story seems to be repeated ad finitum throughout history, in all countries of the world. Self enrichment and corruption seem to be human nature at work, particularly by those who run for political office. Unfortunately, YOU and I, have to pay the increased taxes to pay for the political stealing. Our police are helpless, being neither educated, nor allowed by our Constitutional system to act independently with an ELECTED Commissioner. They are only bully boys for the political party in power and for handling ordinary street low level crime only. We have no effective police system in Belize to hinder the many political criminals. Interesting to read today, that the same story is occurring in the United Kingdom and our forecasts of 3 years ago are coming true, as the National Debt of the United Kingdom is now greater than that of Belize. The UK National Debt is being reported at 100% of GDP, whereas the Belize National Debt is 78% of GDP and growing. Strange to say, the European Union was denying, or evicting Eastern European members who let their Debt to GDP ratio exceeded 3% of GDP a couple of years back, yet inexplicably the United Kingdom with a reported debt ratio of 100% of GDP is still an active member. Which just goes to show the Europeans are not to be trusted and are pirates using DOUBLE SPEAK in all their dealings. Politician, party leader and larcenous criminals seem to be synonyms? I suppose each new generation of humans have to learn these basic truths?
This is just a cynical opinion look at the newspaper and television news reporting lately. Life goes on, despite the politicians anywhere.
*Clarification: Wife says the local newspaper article I was making my Belizean assumptions from, with a Belizean bias are wrong. That the wife of President Colom could have been born in Guatemala, or Belize, or naturalized and born in Belize, or her sister Nadia could have been naturalized in Belize and born in Guatemala. I apologize for my intrepretive bias and assumptions.
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