The laws in Belize on weapons are strange to say the least. About 20 years or more ago, my Daisy children's BB pistol got stolen on Caye Caulker. I used to try and scare off the flocks of crows that would pull up my watermelon plant transplants under the coconut trees. The crows were a darned nuisance. Could never hit one, but they would fly off for fifteen minutes. Since then new laws on weapons have been passed. Did you know that some lawyer was telling me, that to even have a Child's BB Daisy air pistol in your possession in Belize, would mean INSTANT incarceration in the primitive HATTIEVILLE prison cages. Probably for two months or more on remand, while you wait for a court date. Then you would be fined $10,000 not counting ammunition, like BB's. So much for each. Talk about ridiculous. That is what we get for letting lawyers run political parties in Belize.
Anyway, I wanted to buy a new replacement Daisy BB pistol, but after the warning and legal advice, decided to buy a $1 sling shot from the store instead. Both BB's from toy air guns and pebbles from sling shots travel too slow, too fool birds. At any rate, the white doves and many pigeons of my neighbor, who like to roost on the rafters of FALCONVIEW BACKPACKERS ADVENTURE HOSTEL in Western Belize, third top floor wooden apartment, see the pebbles coming and fly off long before they get any pebble even closer than 20 feet away from them. Cleaning up their shit is no joke!
Co-incidently this morning in looking at yesterday's TV news, the Forestry Officer and Belize Defense Unit patrol at a legal licensed XATE harvesting operation in a jungle bivouac, were showing on television, them confiscating a similar SLINGSHOT to mine, ( it had two extra surgical tube rubbers though ) from the Jungle XATE collector. Go figure! Is this UDP port townie run government nuts or what?
I had planned to retire in Belize but was not certain until I read your article. I ma now sold on the place. Great place to live without the fear of guns all over the place. One will have a greater appreciation for this place after living in North America with a gunshop on every block. Slingshots are weapons too. Remember David and Goliath!
dawood said: According to the latest new from Belize you might want to read thei::
Crime continued to plague Belize in 2008. By year’s end, the unofficial total of murders in the country reached a record 95, up from 77 in 2007. The year’s grim statistics were capped by four murders over the long Christmas weekend. This puts the homicide rate in Belize at about 30 per 100,000 population, one of the highest rates in the Caribbean Basin and Central America. It is some six times higher than the national homicide rate in the United States. In a single bad week in February, the country saw a record nine murders. The Southside of Belize City is the epicenter of homicide. About 40% of all murders in Belize take place in this poor, predominantly Creole area of Belize City.
Just because the government bans guns and slingshots, that won't make a place any safer! The bad people will always get guns. I can't believe people can be so stupid. You are making the residents and the country itself more vulnerable by banning weapons. The Bible states thou shalt not murder. Murder is when you go around killing people for no reason. Even Jesus told His disciples to go buy a sword if they didn't have one. We are allowed to protect ourselves and our families. The only reason the governments ban such things is because they are afraid of what would happen if there was a revolt against the government. They want their people to be unarmed so they can't fight back against the government. What will they ban knives? Forks? Scissors? Axes? Heck you can even make your a spear from a twig in your own back yard! Think a little. We've had guns for years. We haven't killed anyone. The world will never be the peaceful place some of you are seeking. The bad people of this world will always get their hands on weapons.
True, and gives lie to the Govt worries over forcible annexation by its neighbor, as if 1500 Brit troops will stop an invasion. Costa Rica has more liberal gun ownership and no military. Verrie-guns wil lbe "all over the place", bad people will always get them, the good at their has a right to protect himself and not hope that the cops have time to get called and then, show up timely. Like criminals will obey the gun laws!
to all,
fwiw, until i found out here that i could not lawfully protect my beloved/myself from armed crimials/violence with firearms, i had planned to possibly retire with my Sandra in Belize, as it is an English speaking country.
i owe this site THANKS for this important information.
further, i'm a 64YY retired military officer & peace officer & anyone who expects the government/military/police to protect their loved ones/them from harm is at best naive & more likely a fool.
yours, jim f
Hi Mr Auxillou,
Wonder if I understood correctly, We are not allow to have pellet gun and sling shot in Belize?
Hi Texas,
did you have your answer?
I see that most of the posts here are a bit older but after doing some research, I wanted to post. Gun ownership and both open and concealed carry are allowed with permit. There are restrictions on caliber and ammunition. Belize gun laws are available online and can be found with a simple search. As to Verrie's statement above, if you want to see what happens to a country that has overly restrictive gun laws, you only need to look between the US and Belize at Mexico. The cartels have made it so the average law abiding citizen is afraid to leave home in fear of violence and the government has taken any real means of self defense from them. Even statistics for Belize show that nearly 2/3rds of the guns there are NOT registered or legally possessed in spite of regulation. We are all responsible for our own safety no matter what side of gun rights you fall on. Belize is a fairly safe place to live as long as you keep your wits and practice due diligence.
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